Mid Life Curiosity

Anything You'd Like To Say?
Anything You'd Like To Say?

Ever have those routine conversations that take you to a cool place? A thought-provoking place that raises questions that aren’t often raised?

Not talking about alcohol or drug stimulated thought-provoking questions, but straight-forward, no bull, full-on, hard-core life questions.

Things like:

Am I no longer king of the hill?

Why is everything turning gray, everywhere?

Why am I so out of shape?

Do others still find me attractive?

Do I still have “it”?

Why am I no longer king of intellectual capital?

Is there any hope to turn my life around?

Mid Lifers, do you ever feel like this? Any advice to others? You’re welcome to be part of the conversation. No expectation, but plenty of opportunity.

Who Said?

Quotes Supply The Essence For Comprehension
Quotes Supply The Essence For Comprehension

Do you enjoy quotes? Most people do. What is it about quotes that draws us to them? For me, it’s the ability to summarize something profound in a small sound bite. It’s the simplicity that does it. What does it for you?

Here’s one of my favorites:

“It doesn’t matter what I say and do, it only matters what you say and do.”

Any guesses on who said that?

A Potential Danger

We're All Looking For This
We're All Looking For This

Finding your purpose in midlife is a beautiful thing. And it may be as simple as the exercise described in yesterday’s links.

As I was reading them and reflecting on them, it occurred to me why I still had a reservation about the whole idea of writing down, and re-writing until it made you cry, your life’s purpose. A brilliant idea, by the way.

It reinforced Mid Life Celebration’s approach as solid, valid, and important. I was very grateful for the opportunity to have my thinking challenged.

Here’s the secret no one wants to admit. While setting a goal as important as your life’s purpose is critical work, pursuing it with passion and tenacity for the rest of your life is a completely different story.

It reminded me of lofty and meaningful New Year’s Resolutions. They usually fail.

And that’s why this midlife blog is helpful to all of you facing an impending midlife crisis, or those of you smack dab in the center of one right now.

Here, everyday, you’ll find a small insight, tip, or story – in real time – to help you pursue your life’s purpose with passion and tenacity. Every day. Got it?

What’s The Best Way?

Take Shelter From Midlife?
Take Shelter From Midlife?

A midlife crisis is essentially that period of time when we are faced with the reality that the path we have been traveling on all our life is no longer fulfilling or motivating -we’ve come to a dead end.

The crisis is that we have invested our entire lives on this journey and now we come to find out it’s not what we want. How is that possible? Smart people. Dedicated people. Hard-working people. All of a sudden, at a crossroads, so to speak.

Because of the fairly severe nature of our infraction, we often rush into a solution – attempting to regain lost ground, lost happiness, lost opportunity. It is far better, in my opinion, to use patience and conscious effort to rethink, reprioritize and then finally to recommit to a different path.

There are a million ways to do this. The essence, however, is to follow the three simple steps – rethink, reprioritize and recommit.

A special thank you to Petrina who commented yesterday, and shared a process that helped her rethink.