The two things it takes to go against the inevitable

West Orange High School vision and mission statements
Yesterday at 7:15am.


The inevitable repetition of the daily obligations, expectations, and challenges is enough to have us throw up our arms in surrender and quit – to quit trying to live a remarkably vibrant life.

It takes a special indomitable will and positive outlook to go against the inevitable.

The opportunity is available to everyone.

Almost daily (and often all day) i must remind myself of this.

All that overcoming the obstacles yesterday does is give me the opportunity to start all over again today.

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Maybe we should just call it sense

Orange County Florida Mounted Patrol
Horse’s asses.


Maybe we should just call it sense.

Take the common out of it.

Common sense is on the endangered list.

Yes, of course, if you’ve got to get a nail through a piece of wood, a hammer makes sense.

But if a positive attitude as well as peace and contentment is exponentially better than a negative one…if exercise is better than not…

On second thought, maybe common sense is extinct.

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First birthday as a Disney retiree

Disney Guest Bus
Hometown transportation.


First birthday as a retiree. It was better than expected.


Because i didn’t expect anything.

It’s a funny paradox for how joy finds those who aren’t looking, simply because they are already joy-filled.

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