Become the mindset expert

You know what got me here after 50 years of thinking it is possible for special climbers but it’s out of my league?

The only limits i have are those i impose upon myself.


Become a mindset expert.


Become the mindset expert.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Attitude watcher

Social media post about the four laws
Seems legit.

Mental vibrancy, and other important results, take longer than expected for two reasons:

  1. Old habits are challenging to break/rewire.
  2. Slow progress makes you lose focus and allows you to dance with quitting.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Now and later

daisy flower buds
Daisy flower

Now and later…

  • Living in the now.
  • Leading for the later.

Learn how to ‘learn for a lifetime’, with a caveat.

The caveat: learn how to maximize results and minimize effort.

Transition from student to teacher.

From knowledge consumer to knowledge creator.

Surprising win: to teach is to learn twice. As you prolifically create, you prolifically learn.

There’s a knowledge-karma few know about. Fewer still experience knowledge karma. It’s rare.

Transforming yourself to this place may be the only way to ‘know’ someone who has it.

You’re getting inside intel from a 60-something human. A human willing to walk alone for the greater good – encouraging others to pursue personal vibrancy.

If all i do is influence the two most important people in my life…


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Dear CMO

11-second video: Over-focus on your vision for your future.
The shadow immediately said, “Hey, stop putting all your attention on the cool kids (the mountains).”

Here’s your Personal Vibrancy C-Suite…

  • CMO: Chief Mental Officer
  • CHO: Chief Health Officer
  • CSO: Chief Spiritual Officer
  • CCO: Chief Contribution Officer
  • CPO: Chief Priorities Officer

Today’s five posts are me writing to me. Go into to it thinking this way though: imagine an executive you work with and rely on writes you a personal thank you note….here’s what it sounds like to me….

Dear CMO: Chief Mental Officer,

Thank you for your lifetime of continuous mental improvement. We appreciate your vision, determination, and enthusiasm to live with a positive attitude.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Got daily mental vibrancy? (reprise)

student painting
Doing get-to-do activities feeds a growth mindset.

Got daily mental vibrancy? (reprise)


And thanks for being a growth mindset role model for others.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.