What’s it gonna be in 2015?

Orland professional Speakers


(photo: Yesterday walking through the Gold’s Gym Orlando parking lot. If you got it, flaunt it?)

What’s it gonna be in 2015?

How many people do we know who have no desire to improve and harness the power of great habits?

Pretty close to zero. Improving is a survival instinct from the caveman days.

Personal Leadership 101:

Only two things needed for personal transformation:

  1. An impossible goal
  2. A reason bigger than yourself

Accept no substitutes.

PS. This doesn’t make sense until someone becomes desperate enough for the change they want (and deserve).

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This changes everything and always has

Orlando's Best Professional Keynote Speakers


(photo: It’s always a treat to talk directly with the CEO.)

It’s embarrassing how simple these posts are.

And it’s humbling to comprehend how astonishingly correct they are too.

The way we think changes everything.

Because the way we think drives what we see.

What we see changes everything.

Negotiating with CEO’s and Meeting Planners to describe what type of Keynote Speaker they should hire at some point leads to a bottomline revelation…

Client: But how is this going to drive our financial growth and shareholder value?

MLC:  You and your team worry about getting your brand on the cover of the Wheaties box (financial). MLC will worry about you winning the Olympic Gold medal (reputation).

At the end of the day, your customers don’t care if you are a money making machine. They only care that you love them. All day. Everyday.

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Every day it’s a matter of being remarkable

Motivational Speakers


(photo: WordPress backend code)

What to do yourself and what to hire others to do is tough when you start because of economics and a million excuses.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, then every day it’s a matter of being remarkable.

Prepare to work you butt off.

This requires a rock solid positive attitude because you will be battling for your supper every night.

And you will have to decide if it would be easier to quit and work for someone else.

When you own it, the reality of what an MBA is, is no longer theory.

Not a single day of theory.


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If the solution doesn’t work fast what do we do?

Orlando Disney Keynote Speakers


(photo: Capturing testimonials from WordPress Word Camp Orlando 2014 at the Rosen College of Hospitality. Yesterday, December 6.)

If it doesn’t work fast, we’re on to the next thing.

Like a broken record.

Will the invisible (to ourselves, but clear to everyone else) habit of not seeing things through ever change?

Replace the record or stop playing the record. Period.

Why wouldn’t we?

But we love that album.

On second thought, get the digital version. iTunes or equivalent.

Or, and this is a massive or, we could just find a million reasons to stay the course with common sense.

The basics.

Never get bored with the basics.

Inventory the things that influence your attitude.

This is a wake up call if we are honest.

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