Balancing adventure with adulthood

Sign about zero excuses
Yesterday during a High School classroom tour.


There are different types of security. A roof over our heads, clean water, a stocked refrigerator, a ‘good’ job. The well-worn path society the herd travels.

Nothing destroys our sense of adventure more than a secure future.

The outliers movement challenges us to do something great.

To be adventurous…

Mend an important relationship before it’s too late, help raise money for a cure to something without one yet, or something in between.

Zero excuses?

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How important is risk taking to you?

Pinocchio statue at Cinderella Castle
“I can not tell a lie”


On a 1-10 scale where 10 is high, 1 is low…

How important is risk taking to you?

(pausing while you do your math)

Got your answer?


Because you deserve it, i’m taking a public risk (for your benefit)…

Even with the obvious human temptation to dismiss this…

It will take two minutes.

Don’t have two minutes?

Good luck with the rest of the day.

If you’ll consider reading all five – one each for mind, body, spirit, work, and home – you’ll risk .thinking .differently

You can thank me later.

That last sentence was a risk too.

Live like you mean it.

PS. What prompted this was the spirited nature of today’s posts.

You get to the next theme, body, by clicking Next Blog

American Idol and the art of chasing your dream

American Idol audition photo
American Idol 2015


Were you uncontrollably inspired yesterday?

American Idol and the art of chasing your dream. Was originally attracted to Idol because of Simon Cowell’s brutal honesty – it provided inspiration during some tough years at Disney and Disney Institute.

Fell away from Idol for a few years, but currently hooked again, with renewed commitment.


Unusually inspired by the artistry, and the overwhelming risk-taking that must be present to stand out in a sea of hopefuls.

Kinda like our own personal world, eh?

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