The long way is the short cut

iPhone calculator screen shot
Today is the 2,239th consecutive day since 04.01.09


Life is brutal at beating our dreams out of us.

There is an antidote to get around this dilemma.

Keep going when all seems lost or impossible.

The long way is the short cut.

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

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Photo: Yesterday. Tallied up the number of consecutive days i’ve written five daily, differently-themed blog posts. It was only supposed to last 100 days.

It’s easier to quit when we are disappointed

Disneyland room headboard and hidden Mickey


(Photo: Disneyland Hotel room headboard. A nightlight built in. Along with a “hidden Mickey”.)

When it comes to shaping our attitude, the long way is the short cut.

Take this blog (and the other four Mid Life Celebration blogs) for example.

Many bloggers begin writing because they believe:

“If you build it write it they will come”.

Everyone who’s ever blogged knows this is a lie.

The bloggers who continue to write (in spite of the lie) well past a reasonable amount of time discover something.

It’s not an audience we write for, we write for ourselves. Because we need the writing. For ourselves.

A writer, probably, will stop writing when she no longer needs it.

You’ll be the first to know.

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If the solution doesn’t work fast what do we do?

Orlando Disney Keynote Speakers


(photo: Capturing testimonials from WordPress Word Camp Orlando 2014 at the Rosen College of Hospitality. Yesterday, December 6.)

If it doesn’t work fast, we’re on to the next thing.

Like a broken record.

Will the invisible (to ourselves, but clear to everyone else) habit of not seeing things through ever change?

Replace the record or stop playing the record. Period.

Why wouldn’t we?

But we love that album.

On second thought, get the digital version. iTunes or equivalent.

Or, and this is a massive or, we could just find a million reasons to stay the course with common sense.

The basics.

Never get bored with the basics.

Inventory the things that influence your attitude.

This is a wake up call if we are honest.

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As long as we are good with ours, no worries, right?

Small ice cream carton message
Simple, inspired choices – mind, body, spirit, money, hq


The infinite repetition of the sun rising and setting.

The endless changing of the seasons, from one to the next.

The relentless cycle of birth and death.

And then in the smallest fraction of time, five years…

Some freak posting five daily, differently-themed blog posts.

Reading five a day gets old quick for insanely busy people.

Now imagine being the freak investing the time to write them.

And so it goes.

Endless choices.

As long as we are good with ours, no worries, right?

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