Our head is spinning with anxious thoughts about today’s to-do list

child learning how to put gas in a car
Eventually, we have to do this for real, along with a million other things.


It’s a busy world. Our day, today, probably has our head spinning with how can we possibly accomplish everything before it’s time to go to sleep.

To add to that workload, i’m offering an eight-minute read from Seth Godin about why our educational system influences our need for compliance.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Will it ever end?

Disney Management Consulting
The work day hasn’t officially begun and we already feel behind.


Hardly a day goes by where this question isn’t clamoring for a final answer:

Is all this effort worth it?

Life is (often overwhelmingly) full of challenges that we don’t need nor want. Yet there’s no escaping.

This brings us back to the question highlighted above.

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Dang writer’s flood

Three Mile Island towers from country road


(photo: Three Mile Island as we drive from Harrisburg, PA Airport to Spring Grove, PA yesterday)

Overwhelmed by the quiet magnitude of returning to our birthplace can, and should, be a grand homecoming.

Yet what if the overwhelming underlying feeling was anxiety?

Issues that have been lying under the surface for half a century, maybe longer.

Then what?

Balance offers a decent remedy.

A great attitude, a healthy body, a peaceful spirit, a professional approach to real world issues, and an organized set of good and decent priorities.

But who has time for balance?

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Overwhelmed. Simply overwhelmed.

Disney's Grand Californian Resort inspirational message
Reflection is difficult for the distracted, medicated, and entertained Herd…


Overwhelmed, simply overwhelmed.

With joy.

Walking all over Disneyland, even though it’s been 43 years since visiting as a 12 year old.

Our midlife journey is joyful when we make counting our blessings a constant priority.

This takes a different (incredibly more positive) attitude than the one the Herd nurtures.

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Three things being overwhelmed can teach us

Barnes and Noble Bookshelves of Management books
No shortage of advice on managing things


Three things being overwhelmed can teach us:

  1. expect the unexpected (at any moment, and especially when we can least afford it)
  2. keep things simple so when they get complicated, they are less complicated
  3. maybe the best we can hope for is to be barely on the other (good) side of insanity

Building a strong foundation by midlife probably didn’t happen for most of us. Building now is totally within our realm now because we know we need it and no one else will do it for us.

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