Celebrate a Mid Life Crisis?

Should we celebrate a mid-life crisis?

Sure beats the alternative, eh?

I heard this somewhere and have always remembered it, “Until further notice, celebrate everything“!

I’ve made too many mistakes and had too many setbacks in my life to want to stay on that path. Today, tomorrow, all week, next week, all month, next month, all year, next year, until I die, I will sieze the day! Happy Sunday, jeff noel 🙂

Mid Life versus a six-year old girl?

All three judges are in mid-life. They’re judging a six-year old little girl. Hardly seems fair. Odds are stacked against her.

Over 42 million You Tube views for this clip. If it doesn’t make you smile, please consider watching it again. Click here to play.

Thanks to my long-time friend and former Disney colleague, Dave, for sending the link. He knew I’d be amazed and grateful. He was right. I highly recommend his blog – disney dave

Today, I promise to take every opportunity I can to be really nice, and kind, to as many people as possible. Who knows how many more days we’ll get the priviege to do that? Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

It’s Hard!

It’s hard to be focused everyday, especially when you’re really insanely busy.

Know what I mean?

Gotta go. Really busy. Tonight, I’ll try to post something profoundly simple, and simply profound.

Make it a GREAT day today. It’s hard in today’s economy, but never more important. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Getting Old?

Getting old isn’t a burden, it’s a huge responsibility. It’s also a gift.

It’s hard as heck to stay healthy. You’d never guess by looking at me, but I have to work incredibly hard to stay healthy. My very life literally depends on it.

For some, it’s “impossible”, because that’s the choice they’ve made, to believe it is impossible.

Christopher Reeves wrote several books, one entitled, “Nothing Is Impossible“.

In my work, I was blessed to spend time with him and his family.

I can’t help but wonder what he would have paid to do what you (most of us anyway) and I did this morning. Wake up. Throw the blankets aside. Stand up. Walk to the bathroom. Bend over and brush our teeth. Etc.

What would Christopher have paid to do that?

One million dollars?

Five million?


We got it for free? At least that’s what I think.

If you think you can, or you think you can not, you are right.

It’s all about choices. Tough choices. Life-altering choices. Easy choices and hard choices. At least that’s what I think.

Hope you get time soon to think about your choices. If you don’t decide, who will? If not now, when? The people who love you are watching. This scares the heck out of me. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂