Peace in our soul, Joy in our spirit, and Love in our heart, for all our family, all our friends and especially all those people less fortunate.
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Peace in our soul, Joy in our spirit, and Love in our heart, for all our family, all our friends and especially all those people less fortunate.
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God is first, my Family is second and I am third – Faith, Hope and Love.
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jeff noel didn’t stop drinking on New Year’s Day like most people who start monumental promises to change their lives. After all, you can’t stop on December 31, New Year’s Eve, why that’s the world’s biggest party night ever! Agreed?
What takes guts is to have your last drinking day be December 30, and go through New Year’s Eve without a drink. Hell yeah that’s what I did. A decade ago.
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Baby Boomer, jeff noel, shares 4 helpful tips for making our New Year’s resolutions stick:
Nothing fuels success like success. Make your goal ridiculously simple. One year I decided to set all the clocks we owned (13, including microwave and cars) to the same time. As an added level of difficulty (over-achiever), I made it the real time.
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Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel loves the end of the year and all the creative thinking that goes into prioritizing resolutions for the coming New Year. Baby Boomers, I’m not letting past failures (too many to count) defeat my will to try again. No, really. Let’s do it this year. Differently. Better.
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