Why we need to fall in love with our habits

optimist club
we should be ceo of our own personal optimist's club

Habits are what we think and do, without thinking. I’ve found by reading, studying, practicing, visualizing, and most recently, writing, my attitude can be developed to excellent levels of proficiency like anything else I strive to become better at.

Being in tune with our habits isn’t a conscious awareness. Not usually. This is why I need to be conscious of it. So when I’m negative, I can fix it. Fast! Denial and excuses could make me bitter. It would seem being bitter with life is toxic and destructive. I refuse to live with that.

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Dear Son, If You Want A Great, Positive Attitude, You Must Fight For It Every Single Day

What seems like hell is the devil's work to take our eye off of common sense.

Dear Son, nothing in life will prepare you for the painful side effects stemming from a negative mental attitude. It’s like hell. Only difference is that this hell shows up while you’re alive, instead of waiting until we die. There is only one antidote.

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