Yesterday morning at 9am. Low turnout is obvious. This is a mind-bender: The only people who know, know from being there to see it. We stumbled upon this relatively obscure opportunity.
Yesterday afternoon at 3pm. Without the contrast of pressure washing, the drive didn’t appear dirty.
As a general rule, humans will not see what they don’t expect to see.
A group of radiologists examined X-rays that had a gorilla image 48x larger than the cancer cells they were looking for.
They didn’t see the “massive” gorilla under the microscope..
Why would they, gorillas are never there.
We simply don’t see things that don’t fit the pattern we’re expecting.
Same with our attitude.
See what you want to see from this post.
What may be hidden in plain sight is obvious.
You are in charge of what you see in the world.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
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Yesterday on our way to lunch at Epcot. It was a block-out (no go) day for getting family in.
We can already see the writing on the wall – their Facebook updates…
Facebook mind, aka Facebook attitude.
You either control Facebook or Facebook controls you, at least for me.
Our attitude about our ability to be in control, or to be controlled, by social media is our responsibility. Challenge is, social norms allow overuse to be acceptable.
Even though i was ineffective at keeping up with everyone, i still tried – as if some miracle would happen. Or as if in my trying, i wouldn’t have to feel guilty for missing important moments in people’s lives.
Update: Today Feb 23…wow, reading this now, 100 days after the fact, i must have really been struggling…rather than edit today’s five posts, i’m leaving them as is – a moment in time, an internal struggle captured “on paper”.
This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.
But our mornings are so busy that we don’t take time to get centered before we get going.
There are a few freaks who believe that balance must be the daily habit.
Never in a million years right?
Self-fulling prophecy got it’s name because it’s true.
But we can retrain our habits by rethinking our priorities.
For example, if you are not going to exercise today, it’s because you have intentionally thought through that today is a rest day.
Of course, there are rare, emergency circumstances that warrant not exercising on days that are not designated for rest. We should allow for about one every month or so.