A-List Orando based motivational speakers have more choices

Colorful welcome sign on parking lot chalk board


(photo: Whoever wrote this could have used the same color chalk for every word…but they didn’t… this is how simple art can be manifested)

Why would an Orlando based motivational speaker write five daily blogs instead of a single, focused daily blog?

The secret of getting on the shortlist is doing your best work fearlessly for a long time before you get on the list, and (especially) doing it even if you’re not on the list.  – Seth Godin

Because being a life balance expert requires specializing in five areas, not one.

It’s five times as much work.

Kinda like trying to attain balance.

Life is hard work no matter if we have balance or not. Balance has a ripple effect that makes everything less challenging.

This is why the work is worth it.

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Every single day we have more than we can handle

Orlando Based Keynote Speakers


The challenge with living like we mean it is there is so much to choose from. Then add to that the unexpected, but regular, challenges life throws our way.

Every single day we have more than we can handle. And what we can’t handle today gets added to tomorrow’s list of normal things plus a growing list of things we don’t have time for.

And we wonder why we are stressed out.

What do you do everyday because you’re passionate about it? And hate when you don’t get to do it?

So add to the daily ‘live-like-you-mean-it’ recipe the dissatisfaction that comes from not getting to embrace our passion.

The constant temptation to short change our dreams.


It all comes down to time doesn’t it?

And priorities.

And balance.


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Writing about midlife in only three all encompassing categories

Cooper was always ready for a walk


(Photo: Cooper has been gone almost three weeks now. Last night’s walk was particularly retrospective.)

We go through our daily motions. Everyday.

Do we give our routine any conscious, deliberate thought?

To what degree?

How often?

These are the things that make us or break us.

And yet it’s a ridiculously simple concept…

Writing about three things. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

What we learned yesterday. What we get to do today. What we hope for tomorrow.

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