Orlando based motivational speakers needed

Orlando Sunrise from aircraft


(photo: Will fly anywhere to speak, but the real meeting planner bonus is speaking in Orlando)

Are we living like we mean it? Or do we keep putting that off until the timing is better?

Orlando based motivational speakers needed?

That’s the astonishingly simple foundational premise.

Call or text if you ever need one: 407-538-4341

The Nursing home visit, an upcoming 14th birthday, the option to retire at any time, a ticking clock, long-standing promises to fulfill…

Read Mid Life Celebration for the 23rd time on the flight home yesterday – prompted by a Pennsylvania reader’s wonderful feedback.

Wondering what the next few months have in store. Is it beyond a casual wondering?

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Balancing work, life, family, business, and vacation at the beach

Sanibel Island Pizza

Balancing work, life, family, business, and vacation at the beach. It’s challenging. Difficult. Critical. Doomed to fail? It often feels overwhelming impossible. The Brooklyn trip was inspirational. Tiring.

And last night the London Olympics opening ceremonies were watched from a favorite beachfront locale. Hope to be out the door before the sun rises for a five-miler. Hope your day is amazing.

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Insight: Keep moving forward, no matter the challenges.

Walt Disney, An American Original And My Business Hero

An expert is someone who really knows their stuff - how things work and why.
Even the most obscure, practically unnoticed things - how and why.

Walt Disney is my American business hero. I know his life pretty well, especially his business philosophies. Some (like me) call him the father of modern-day business creativity and innovation. What many don’t comprehend is just how crazy his ideas were at the time he was thinking them up and rolling them out.

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