Valentine’s Day

Sand Hill Crane injured
Everyone notices stuff. How many of us connect what we see to improving our understanding of the world and our place in it?

Let your passions define you.

Our attitude drives our passions.

This is freedom for some and a prison sentence of some.

Love yourself?

Some do, some don’t.

Depends on our attitude.

i love that today is Friday, December 14, 2018.

Heading to Magic Kingdom on a bicycle in a few minutes, in a tee-shirt.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Brand You: Tell your personal story

personal branding
Great reminder about staying focused on the basics.



(Above) Brand You: Tell your personal story.

Great reminder.

The year was 2008 or 2009.

Our new Disney Institute Vice President, Jeff James, often walked past the cube i shared with Jack Santiago.

By the way, because office space was so limited, nearly everyone at Disney Institute shared a cube.

On one brief encounter, i invited Jeff into my cube and used Jack’s bookshelf (all my business books were at my home office) as the center of the vision i had for Disney Institute.

i said to Jeff, “Jeff, in the children’s video genre, what is the average household percentage of Disney videos in every children’s category?”

Our educated guess – from personal experience – is the percentage is overwhelmingly high for Disney videos.

Then i asked, pointing at Jack’s bookshelves, “What if every business leader across the globe had an overwhelmingly high percentage of Disney Institute business books on their office bookshelves?”

Currently, Be Our Guest is the only published “Disney Institute” business book.

My Summer 2018 focus is to get the next seven Disney and Disney Institute business books written, then published.

The business world is waiting, even if they are unaware these books are coming.

And this morning, i’m just days away from the first of six Summer writing retreats. All seven books are currently in the two-thirds done stage.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


.lead .differently

Walt Disney World Railroad photos
Post written 3 months ago. Photo last night.


.lead .differently

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Lead like you mean it.




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Thinking inside the box template

Grocery store display
Random pile of boxes from Bailey’s General Store on Sanibel Island a couple days ago.


Thinking inside the box template

What do you want to be?

What do you need to do to be that?

Who’s your customer?

What do you want them to feel?

How much risk?

How much work?

Does it really matter?

Is it possible?

Are you satisfied?




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Is our attitude a selling feature?

Disney Keynote Speaker featuring the Disney Way
Some entrepreneurial offices transcend tradition.


Is our attitude a selling feature?

Could it be a differentiator?

Should it be?

And if so, how best to communicate it? (the train of thought, below, arrived yesterday after i asked myself that exact question):

i’m not interested in your money. i’m interested in helping you. It’s what i do. The fact that you pay me is a bonus.

The stereotypical sales pitch reminds me of a blood-thirsty predator after it’s prey.

The salesperson(s) will literally say anything you want to hear.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.