It’s easier to quit when we are disappointed

Disneyland room headboard and hidden Mickey


(Photo: Disneyland Hotel room headboard. A nightlight built in. Along with a “hidden Mickey”.)

When it comes to shaping our attitude, the long way is the short cut.

Take this blog (and the other four Mid Life Celebration blogs) for example.

Many bloggers begin writing because they believe:

“If you build it write it they will come”.

Everyone who’s ever blogged knows this is a lie.

The bloggers who continue to write (in spite of the lie) well past a reasonable amount of time discover something.

It’s not an audience we write for, we write for ourselves. Because we need the writing. For ourselves.

A writer, probably, will stop writing when she no longer needs it.

You’ll be the first to know.

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Million reasons why we never saw it before – a list a mile long no doubt


Lloimonincia Hall, an LSO sophomore, just changed the way gymnastics is presented.

She took a risk.

With a heart full of passion.

Million reasons why we never saw it before – a list a mile long, no doubt.

Including you might get banned, or kicked off the team.

What does this mean to any of us?

Everyone told the beginning blogger to focus on one blog.

No one is going to get five interconnected blogs.

Art only becomes art when it is done freely, with unstoppable passion.

You, reading this, are an artist.

But you may not believe it.

(Find a million reasons to believe it. The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is today.)

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mind • body • spirit • money • hq (the box that holds it all together)

Mid Life Celebration logo
mind • body • spirit • money • hq (the box that holds it all together)


We’ve been misled to believe balance is two – work life and home life. Two is a nice low number, but inadequate in addressing the larger whole.

There are actually five components to balance.

How did we go through life and not know?

mind • body • spirit • money • hq

Now we know.

And we know that knowing is not enough.

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What would happen if midlife authors got writer’s flood?

Canadian, American boarder
15 hours ago I crossed the Canadian boarder


What would happen if midlife authors got writer’s flood? It would be a feeling like you have so much to write about but are finding the ticking clock making it challenging to whittle things down to five short and pithy posts.

A great attitude will make the best of this, even on the road in another Country.

With a poor attitude we would freeze, feel overwhelmed, procrastinate, and curse the day for it’s unrelenting pressures.

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