Blog anniversary (NOT) in GNP, mind

i write five daily, differently-themed blog posts on five different sites.


Today begins year 16.

Never missing a day.

Since April Fools Day, 2009.

Five daily, differently-themed blog posts.

Mind, body, spirit, work, home.

Just wanted to get writing practice to build my confidence so i could write, and publish, my first book, Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize •recommit

Note: Technically, i should be back in Glacier, however, still in Orlando recovering from emergency eye surgery.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Thinking well is a privilege

Thinking efficiently is useful.

For lifelong, repetitive, common purposes.

Thinking effectively trumps efficiency, however.


Doesn’t matter if you’re making great time through life if you’re heading in the wrong direction. Common sense, eh?

But thinking well – deeply and broadly – bottomline, is where your life energy emanates.

Dwell on this.

Meditate with this.

Dream with this.

Act on this.

Never waste your glorious privilege.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Year 15

Disney figurine in mountains
Pixar’s Inside Out lead character, Joy. Also, our favorite flower, the common daisy.

Year 15.

Quietly making noise.

Quietly making noise for 14 consecutive years. The quiet continues today into uncharted territory, year 15.

Quietly making noise is a Jimmy Buffett song.

Quietly making noise is the long way.

Writer’s flood is to blame for all of this.

If i die tomorrow another 2/3 of a year will pass before five daily, differently-themed blog posts stops.

Core WordPress updates are automated. There are no other WordPress updates required. Website Hosting is paid for, with auto updates, for years to come.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

April Fools Day Eve, 2023

13-second video: Walt Disney World’s 43-square miles was once officially called EPCOT by Walt Disney. Only after Walt’s 1966 death did we rename EPCOT to Walt Disney World.

i do not know why i write every day. i only know i enjoy it and can’t help myself.


Walt was crazy to think his alligator, snake, and mosquito-infested Central Florida swampland could be transformed into the Vacation Capital of the World.

Yet here we are.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.