Both photos were taken from the same location. Both phones are the latest Apple releases (Sept 9, 2016…15 days ago).
The difference is remarkable.
It’s a much more expensive proposition to own both versus just one.
The iPhone 7 is always with me because it easily fits in my front pocket and hand.
The iPhone 7 Plus fits nicely in my back pocket and i use it as a laptop – exponentially easier to carry than even the smallest, lightest MacBook.
Because i have had the 6s and 6s Plus, i’ve discovered the iPhone Plus is superior in allowing me to write anywhere, anytime.
The MacBook 12 which is bigger yet smaller than the MacBook Air, requires me to carry it in my hand or in a backpack.
Being hands-free and backpack free feels lighter, leaner.
i like that.
A lot.
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