Mid Life Crisis Candle?

Mid Life Crisis candle burning?  Nope.  It’s more like this:

“I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got to hold up for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” — George Bernard Shaw

Thank you, readers and regular followers of Mid Life Celebration. Your support is one of the reasons I write daily.  The main reason, of course, is to leave a trail for our son.  My wife and I are in our early 50’s and he’s nine.

It’s sort of like The Last lecture concept, except I currently am not aware of any terminal illnesses.  In The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and given six months to live.  At that time, his three children were all six and under.  He set out to leave a trail too.

If you got some “bad news” and didn’t have time to “leave a trail”, would there still be one?

Be Afraid to Stop

“Be not afraid of going slowly;  be only afraid of standing still”. Chinese Proverb

I just wrote a blog post at jeff noel.com about this very subject.  About wondering if now is the right time, if the current approach is the right approach.

This type of potential self-doubt and potential fear, can sabatoge us from breaking through to something we can be great at.  And something we should be great at.  It’s just that we are late bloomers and are playing catch up.

This time delay – from creating a compelling vision – to it actually materializing, takes way longer than most people can comprehend.  This is why people give up and stop,

So, be not afraid of going slow.   Be afraid of stopping.

Identify Your Highest Skill

“Identify your highest skill and devote your time to performing it.  Delegate all other skills”. Ronald Brown

Mid life adults get to mid life for a variety of reasons, including luck, passion, focus, discipline, etc.  What we do once we get to mid life is a different game though.



Many reasons to be sure.  Well, at least if we pay attention. Many people at mid life have the proverbial Mid Life Crisis, lasting from a few hours, a few months, and even a few years.

One of the mid life tips to consider is to do what Ronald Brown suggests.  Only one challenge with that though?

Most have no idea what their highest skill is.  None.  Crisis?  What crisis?

Busiest Day of the Year?

“Tomorrow is always the busiest day of the year”.Jonathon Lazear

Ain’t it the truth?  At least that’s the way it feels.  Why?

You may feel differently.  But for me, it seems like tomorrow is “the day” that, “I’ll finally be able to catch up with things“.  So I race hard to get so much done.

Time marches on and there is simply more to take the place of that which has been done.  Ever heard the phrase, “busy beaver“?  Beavers work hard every day, repairing their dam, fixing their den, looking for food, etc.  Seems there is always lots of work to do.

What’s the solution?  If I knew that, tomorrow would be looking like a vacation day, eh?

Health Is Wealth

“Wealth can’t buy health, but health can buy wealth”.Henry David Thoreau

Interesting.  Why?  Because Thoreau died in 1862, at 44.  Little did he know that all these years later, money can buy health, to a certain extent.  But that’s not the reason this Thoreau quote is important.

It’s important because, in my opinion, health can buy wealth.  My wife’s Grammy, who lived to be 93, would always say, “Health is wealth”.

Grammy died in my arms in 1989.  We had traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania to visit Family and I was attending our best man’s wedding.

Grammy, in her wisdom, knew firsthand that as we age, we are at the mercy of our bodies.  Our body – the greatest machine ever devised.  Don’t forget to rotate your tires and change the oil at regular intervals.