Which comes first, the proliferation or the determination?

Random airport terminal wall sign about unlimited potential
Random airport terminal wall sign – triggers a thought: Right on!


Which comes first, the proliferation or the determination?

Seth Godin shared his 5,000th blog post yesterday.

Highly unlikely prolific bloggers start out thinking proliferation.

Most bloggers’ focus is short term.

Apparently not Seth – 3,650 days (10 years) to reach his incredible milestone.

Congratulations Seth. Inspiring.


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Guest blogger Lorie Sheffer: Souffle

Souffle (photo: Lorie Sheffer)


For those of us with kids and grandkids, how can we ask them to try new things and expand their world if we are stuck in our own rut? If we’re too bored or lazy or fearful, then that is the example by which we lead. While comfort can be found in routine and tradition, it’s also important to exercise our brains with new challenges. Those new challenges don’t have to cost a fortune or involve months of planning. Small projects count, too. The point is to just have fun, not take it too seriously, and show those around us that it’s never too late to learn a new trick or two.

We live in a pre-packed, overly processed, fast food/chain restaurant world.  With that in mind, I decided my new little adventure would be to make that iconic, old fashioned, and much-feared classic, the cheese soufflé. I didn’t get off to a good start. I had trouble finding a 2.5 Qt. soufflé dish. Three hours and two sore feet later, just as I was ready to wave the white flag, I found what I was looking for; it was sitting on a clearance table at the very back of the store. Armed with a recipe I found on one of my go-to Internet sites, I went to work in my kitchen. The end result was pretty darned good, if not perfect. Another minute in the oven and it would have been a home run. Still, in spite of the tablespoon-sized area in the center that was ever so slightly too jiggly, we enjoyed a delicious dinner. If I had failed miserably, so what? We could have eaten grilled cheese sandwiches with a hilariously deflated soufflé centerpiece.

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Where would be be if we didn’t quit for a whole decade?

2013 High School yearbook picture quotes
When Philip is 28, what will he have acoomplished that 10 years ago seemed unlikely?


It would be a dream to see society not look at weight as a beauty thing but rather a heath thing.

The whole point of exercising is to support and nourish all the vital organs that keep us alive.

The point of earning and managing money isn’t to get rich, it’s to be able to function without financial assistance from others.

The point of spiritual awakening and growth, isn’t to be a saint, it’s to be at a place where we can serve others before self. If we can’t feed 100, feed one.

The point of being organized isn’t to win a better Homes and Gardens feature, it’s to manage our things and be able to find things them we need to. And to not be burdened with their care and security.

The point of our attitude isn’t to be Pollyanna, it’s to simply be able to handle the never ending onslaught of life’s challenges that will either force us to live as survivors or thrivers.

Keep moving forward. Imagine us making a decade worth of progress, in any area of our life – it can do nothing but astonish the determined, focused, and disciplined warrior.

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PS. Promise today’s next four posts will be brief. 🙂