Four days until Glacier, mind

National Park WebCam screenshot of the mountain
My favorite summit. The summit i’ve done the most times. The summit that has now become the first-summit tradition each summer. That snow pack in the middle. Hope it’s smaller by the weekend.

First, it’s getting real.

Days away.


Had a thought yesterday that if i blogged every day for two more years i would double the existing world-record for the most blog post by a single author.

Note: Not interested in a world record. Why? Because it doesn’t matter and no one will know, let alone care. And, it’s not like i’m gonna put it on my résumé for my next job interview. lol

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Thinking is worship

Thinking is worship.

Thinking is rocket fuel.

Thinking is fun.

Thinking is exploring.

Thinking is growth.

Thinking is rewarding.

To have a mind, a brain, and not push its capabilities seems like receiving a wrapped gift and never unwrapping it.

Grateful for the gift, right?

But no idea what the giver gave you.

Note to self: Always unwrap every gift. Dive in, tear it open, and thank the giver. Profusely if it’s appropriate.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Write like you mean it

Hand-written notes
Not sure who wrote this. But certain it was a Disney Institute colleague. Guessing this photo is at least a decade old.

Gotta say, writing yesterday’s posts was therapeutic.

Which reminds me that writing in general is therapeutic.

This is a plus for continuing to blog.

Conversely, the reality that it’s not selfish to stop blogging is equally compelling.

Note: As i write today’s first post, a blinding flash of the obvious…writing is a superior way to think.

Bonus note: It’s not that i want to stop writing. It’s that i want to try something else with my time. Not sure what the ‘something else’ is. i have hunches. That part will fall into place. But without repurposing the extra two hours every day, possibility and opportunity are stifled.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Slow and fast

Disney Keynote speaker Jeff Noel at National Park
Four years ago, 2020. Remember Covid-19?

Can recall 10 months ago, after two emergency retina-repair surgeries that next Summer (2024, now), that it would take forever to return to Glacier.

Now, departure is a week away and i cannot believe how the time has arrived “so quickly’.

Seems that slow and fast are siblings.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Eye surgery followup, mind

Doctor office lobby
i love visiting Doctor Offices. At this one now, as i write this post.

i love visiting Doctor Offices.


To learn.

Growth mindset.

Such an amazingly better choice than anxiety.

Common sense and BFO’s are well known.

Note to self: Never be a stranger to common sense and BFO’s. In fact, be married to them.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.