Fear is a bloody liar

Freedom Tower from Delta jet
Crazy how close jets fly to this building after what happened 9/11


Fear is a bloody liar.

Dear son, last night’s dinner conversation in Halifax, Nova Scotia revealed that your father’s fear is most likely microscopic at this point in his life.

When we do the things we are afraid to do, it releases us from any obligation to feel bad or afraid.

In fact it’s quite the opposite.

Authenticity is the new currency in your dad’s life. Has been since January 1, 2009.

Insight: Fear is nothing. Authenticity is strength. And peace.

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We read quotes like this and think to ourselves, ah, isn’t that so true

Google screen shot
Hoping all you women out there truly believe in yourselves.


We read quotes like this and think to ourselves, ah, isn’t that so true.

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. – E. E. Cummings

Makes us wonder though, deep down inside, if we intend to do anything with this truth.


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Straight talk should be welcomed or diverted?

microphone closeup in big arena
Straight talk? Worth it’s weight in gold and then some.


Life is a terminal condition. We are all going to die.

And only one person knows your answer to the upcoming question…

Five plus years ago in the Mid Life Celebration brainstorming process and visioning process, a few sound bites struck like lightning.

Live, before you die.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

So yeah, we are all going to die.

But are we all going to live before it’s over?

Only one person knows your answer.

And only one person is in charge of this answer.

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TED Talk Brene Brown on vulnerability

Brene Brown speaks for 20 minutes at TED, on a simple notion that an idea that intuitively seems inaccurate, is in fact, accurate.

We are all vulnerable.

The two choices in how we use vulnerability determines fear, or joy, in our life.



Intuition is a powerful force. It’s been in place from day (a billion or so years ago) one to keep us alive.

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