It begs us to watch even though we don’t have time…

Sitting here in Saskatoon’s Hotel Bessborough stumbled upon this short Steve Jobs video speech.

It begs us to watch even though we don’t have time…



Peace and contentment come from one place.


The book written for a young child contains the same message as Steve Jobs, but was written without the eminent, fast approaching reality of death.

That’s what makes the book special.

There was no pressure to write it.


And the author added a little more peace and contentment to his life.

This is how it goes.

If Steve Jobs were to say there are no shortcuts, we’d all shake our heads ‘yes’.

When you hear it here instead?

Whatever! Right?

Wishing you peace and contentment immeasurable.

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Cop a Boomer attitude towards death Steve Jobs style?

Mid Life Celebration book at Epcot's Norway with Troll
Life is not a dress rehearsal – Mid Life Celebration embraces this notion


Cop a Boomer attitude towards death Steve Jobs style? Yes, try this one on for size:

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. – Steve Jobs

We know this.

Live, before you die. This ain’t a practice round.

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Typical morning for nonconformists like Steve Jobs (or jeff noel)

nonconformists inspire the world

Typical morning for nonconformists like Steve Jobs (or jeff noel) consists of thinking differently. And not just at work, but from the very moment they awaken.

Sure there are some morning rituals (and even those arise from thinking differently). But then the thinking day starts, say 15 minutes after going to the bathroom.

It’s amazing how far we can travel when we refuse to quit…

We’re in such a unique position. No one else should be able to do what we can do. – Steve Jobs

Insight: Have something so motivating, that quitting would be more painful, than the pain of the journey.

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Maybe the most insightful thing Steve Jobs ever said

doesn't matter what country, what city, what person...
steve jobs
give us this day our daily bread (mentally, physically, spiritually)

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.  – Steve Jobs

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PS. This is what I’ve long felt intuitively but struggle with how to articulate that I know. Without a special pedigree, wealth, fame, or talent, I’ve struggled to gain the confidence that I’m not a loon. Thank you Steve, for the assist.