Wrote 28k words last week according to Grammarly

Disney business books authors
Behind the scenes, work is quietly and steadily being done.


Writing changes people.

Only people who write daily understand this.

Wish i could impart the wisdom to everyone who isn’t prepared to do the work.

What a fantasy, right?

Start writing a little bit every day.

If you really want to live on the edge, publish every day.

Show the world what you believe in.

And be prepared for no one to care.

Be prepared for deafening silence.

And keep writing anyway.

It will either turn out worse than you expected or much better than you expected.

Sorry, but i’m not able to predict your results.

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Not until the desire for risk is greater than safety

Bruce Lee quote
Yesterday from LinkedIn. Risk and reward are inextricably linked.


There’s no heavier burden than a great potential. – Linus, from Charlie Brown

It makes sense that we should greatly influence our individual self before we can believe we are qualified to influence others, no?

Desire and purpose are the twin siblings of positive change.

We can only accomplish something great when our desire for taking the risk is greater than our desire for playing it safe.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


Please fail more often

famous start up garages
From LinkedIn. For every story like these, there are thousands that never made it.


Dear son, please fail more often.

Fear and risk are inseparable.

Risk and failure are inseparable.

Failure and growth are inseparable.

To grow, fail.

Son, remember, i want you to do as much of this as possible before you leave home to start your own life.




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Better to be an inspired mistake?

Walt Disney World welcome entrance
No place like home. At a red light reflecting on how often i drive past here each week.


Better to be an inspired mistake or better to be perfect?

Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe.

On a drive home from Orlando Airport, i stopped at a red light at one of our hometown’s biggest intersections.

In a random moment, a relatively deep thought, triggered by the Walt Disney World sign and Hurricane Matthew, revealed an insight.

Insight: Underneath the surface in a post like this is the hidden intentionality that allows a person to follow their dreams – by subconsciously reminding them to plant those ideas in fertile soil.

The reason i frequently drive by this sign is that in 1984, my wife and i packed up everything we owned and relocated from Washington State to take a calculated risk that we could carve out a life at Walt Disney World.

Excuses were abundant then. They remain plentiful now.

Excuses were not allowed then. They are also not allowed now.



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This website is about our MIND. To read posts about our BODY, click here.


Dear Risk

Raft on Hidden Lake
i can work from here if i want. Photo: Glacier National Park.


Dear Risk,

i know you mean well, but you scare me half to death sometimes. And other times you are simply a bully. i hate you…and i love you.

On my office wall hangs a Hugh MacLeod art piece that says:

I’m not delusional, I’m an entrepreneur.

Literally, my mantra since 2008 has been “Burn the ships”.

Thank you for being there to tempt me to leave a 30-year career at Walt Disney World in exchange for a freedom (and accompanying risk).

Few experience this freedom.

The price i paid for it is this:  a probable failure that comes with the territory, for somewhere north of 80-90% who try.

i knew that before committing to take the risk.

It was super scary.

What if i fail?




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.



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