Is attitude everything?


What is striking in this guy’s story, is how palpable his passion is for the ocean.

Are you still insanely passionate about something in your life?

What are you passionate about?

When was the last time it turned you on?

Your passion becomes your art to the world.

Share it generously.

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We have to start our own fire

school class
Who teaches them to be fire starters?


We have to start our own fire.

And if we’re going to be a flame, why not a bonfire?

And if we call ourselves a fire starter, are we an example or a warning?

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This question begs us each day

Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
A special camera at this Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks offers this perspective


Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
Who dat?


It’s the same old story every day isn’t it?

Which begs the question:

Why even try to do incredible things?

We can be amazingly thankful if we have a convincing answer to this question.

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This is your life, your midlife celebration (go!)

Quote from AARP article
Do we need an expert to tell us or is it utterly intuitive?


Our life doesn’t fully come alive until we remove our fear of living. It’s not death that we fear, it’s living.

Think about it.

We actually know this to be true.

Yet pretend we don’t.

Things will never be the same until we are deeply compelled to rethink (everything), reprioritize (what’s important), and recommit (like a warrior).

No regrets for taking so long. Only joy in beginning. Again.

This is a game changer.

It’s our move.

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Nothing else will compel us to do whatever it takes

Boy on bike at dusk near Walt Disney World
Seriously, we would die for it? Absolutely.


Want to help make the world a better place? Be the person that offers something good to the world.

And if we want to help change the world, we must be willing to do something we would die for.

Nothing else will compel us to do whatever it takes.

Because it’s simply too easy to quit when it gets tough.

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