Attitude is everything

Many Glacier Hotel
Glacier National Park (GNP). Yes, it’s this beautiful.

The insecure compete against other people. The confident compete against themselves.

Alexander den Heijer

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Double-edged sword

Highline Trail
Glacier National Park (GNP). From Highline Trail near Haystack Butte, looking towards Lake McDonald Valley. Remnant smoke from the 2017 Sprague fire.

One change leaves the way open for the introduction of others.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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One of each please

Glacier National Park
Glacier National Park (GNP). Grinnell Glacier Trail.

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savor) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.

E. B. White

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Slow down to speed up

Glacier Park Rising Sun area
Glacier National Park (GNP). What’s ahead for 2021?

To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious.

Samuel Butler

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Unexpected joy from being sober

Glacier National Park
Glacier National Park, hiking to Ptarmigan Tunnel, and looking back where i had been.

Unexpected joy from being sober.

Sober people at a party or event are stereotyped as boring, stiff, serious.

The real stereotype is this: focused, disciplined, fun, spontaneous, in control, uninhibited, confident, creative, strong.

No competitive artist in any genre ever performs spectacularly when drinking.


Strength, confidence, excitement = sober.

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