Rethinking looks good on paper

Wild Deer at Walt Disney World
Oh dear, you mean we are in charge of our destiny?


Rethinking public education in 2015 makes sense to Baby Boomers.

Rethinking mid-life, right now, is a much tougher sell to Boomers.

In either case, it is done to change the trajectory.

The 2nd best time to rethink was yesterday.

The best time is today.

Do something that scares you, or something you “absolutely don’t have time for”, like take a walk outside.

Ask, “Am I satisfied?”

A summary of how and why Finland is rethinking education is here.

(Summary: By 2020, Finland plans to phase out teaching individual subjects such as math, chemistry and physics, and instead teach students by ‘topics’ or broad phenomena, so that there’s no more question about “what’s the point of learning this?”)

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Who teaches us this?

Owl taxidermy display in Nature preserve
Are owls wise? Are we?


Who teaches us this?

Theory is meaningless without action.

Knowlege isn’t power.

Knowledge is only the seed of power.

Power comes from action.

Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe.

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Dear readers, will our constant struggle go away?

Bandage over blood draw needle insertion.
Annual blood work yesterday at Quest Diagnostics.


Focus, discipline, intentionality and purpose are essential in overcoming the daily onslaught of expected and unexpected to-do’s.

The constant struggle to keep up is better, if you really think about it, than the daily struggle to medicate, distract, and entertain ourselves away from the pain of being buried.

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The reason people can’t achieve balance?

Disney Executive Speakers
Last day teaching at Disney Institute was Oct 29, 2015


There aren’t many experts.

But there are some.

Experts become experts because they have fought to win a rare, and regular, intimacy with something thought to be a myth.

The reason people can’t achieve balance?

It’s because their definition is wrong.

How do i know?

Three decades at Disney, searching for a balance role model, none were found.

And 15 years ago on the verge of becoming a father, i decided to begin the slow and steady process of becoming the change i wished to see.

Balance isn’t just about work and home life.

Balance also isn’t simply about mind, body, spirit.

Balance is about all five.

And balance isn’t about time.

It’s about energy.

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One person’s trash is another person’s treasure

Insanely popular for the right audience.
Insanely popular for the right audience.


Violent comics
The upper left caption wins glowing accolades.


Graphic Comics
Some love this, some hate it.


One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. The paradox of yesterday’s dislike for a simple concept is paradoxically highlighted by one of Mid Life Celebration’s first book reviews:

I read the book this morning, and as expected, it is fantastic! Having read Jeff’s blogs for quite some time, there are a lot of familiar themes in the book, and it is great to have them together in one spot.

What stuck with me was a simple sentence that Jeff sprinkles throughout the book. “We know this.” There are a lot of lessons that are shared, and ideas to help us be better, that at the core are simple things that we really do know. We just may not be paying attention to them, or they may be drowned out by the other things in our lives. Taking the time to “rethink, reprioritize, and recommit” helps us see that we know what we need to do. We just have to get the clutter out of the way.

Having just seen the Disney Institute video of Jeff speaking about the CEO of You, Inc., it was neat to see that idea carry across his day job and his passion.

The video Brian speaks of is here.

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