No great deed, private or public, has ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty. – Leon Wieseltier
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
No great deed, private or public, has ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty. – Leon Wieseltier
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It’s very simple, Baby Boomers get two incredibly difficult, very scary, choices:
In the first, we renew our zest for life and the unknown. In the second, we dread the future decline and the unknown.
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Each day we Boomers postpone our (more) positive life direction – our midlife change so to speak – is another day the chain of indecision becomes more like the chain of quitting life.
To not follow our heart at midlife is like receiving a gift, but never unwrapping it.
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So much of Mid Life Celebration’s struggles, hopes, dreams, challenges, failures and victories are similar to yours. jeff noel never intended to have such an abundant number of blog posts, but, if you were to surf the archives or categories, you might find the earlier posts insightful because where jeff noel is today, is not where he was three years ago. Are you still in the same place you were three years ago?
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Dear readers, most of you are fellow Baby Boomers in midlife. We have reached this glorious milestone for a reason. Could be serendipity, or that we were chosen for a specific purpose. Daily personal journaling is an almost guaranteed way to discover this for yourself.
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