If less is more, why do i have more?

less is more
Less equals more. Photo: yesterday, serendipitously on social media.


If less is more, why do i have more?

Want to be happier?

Have less stuff.

How does this apply to our mental attitude?

Have fewer go-to responses to life’s constantly changing scenarios.

Limit your outlook and your responses to a few essentials (and no more):

  • Gratitude
  • Optimism
  • Compassion
  • Decency


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Is it careful what you wish for, or a dream come true?

Jet in sky


The car arrived at 4:00am to take the busy executive to the Orlando airport. Ten days in California on business.

Wondering if this is where she thought she’d be in life.

Wondering if it was the hope all along or was it simply serendipity?

Wondering how executives define themselves when they stop being in charge. You know, retire.

Wondering how any of us will define ourselves, after, you know, we retire.

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The key difference between a poor attitude and a positive attitude

Roadside wildflowers on Going To The Sun Road


(photo: Stopped along the roadside to say hello to these gracious gifts from Mother Nature)

The key difference between a poor attitude and a positive attitude has nothing to do with happiness.

Being happy is not the cornerstone of a positive attitude.

Being grateful is.

While being happy all the time may seem impossible, being constantly grateful is anything but.

Next Blog

Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?

collection of road construction signs
We are constantly looking for signs of happiness


Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?



Because most of us are struggling to keep up with the Jones.

Not the ‘Jones’ house, yard, or car, but with the ‘Jones’ apparent happiness.

Social media can become a big smoke screen for what lies underneath.

A deep and dull feeling of average.

Average is only bad if we assign it that value.

But what if average was actually bliss?

And what if it’s not?

What if we are capable of so much more but are afraid to go for it?

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