Great Disney leaders are proactive

The worst part of anything, including leadership, is always going to divide people.


Great leaders are proactive.

Fundamentally, they act rather than react.

Profoundly simple, simply profound.

Good and very good leaders are more like managers – they’re great at (reacting) putting out fires.

Both leader categories live with deeply embedded habits.

The work leading to change rarely happens this week (or last week).

Unlikely too, that it will happen next week.


Because the work that drives change can’t happen now, or recently, or soon.


Because there are too many urgent things today. And there were too many yesterday, and if history has a way of repeating itself, urgent will prevail tomorrow (like it always does).

Urgent and change are strangers.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Is it worth it?

prolific bloggers
museum exhibit…a note pad…really?

Had a mini-epiphany the other day on the phone, while sharing my story (which may be featured in a book on purposeful aging). The whole notion of being the Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger. What is that exactly? Is it a good thing? What does it mean? How or why does it matter in a sea of bloggers? What if it doesn’t.

What advice would you offer on this, tested by your personal experience and not textbook theory?

Next Blog

jeff noel’s Vision

“I am challenging the top 3% of the male Baby Boomers to do something great before they die.  As small as mending an important relationship, to helping raise money until a cure is found for an incurable disease”.

The rest of what jeff noel said can be found in this 2009 Mid Life Celebration post.

Ladies, and people other than Boomers, tune in tomorrow to discover your role in this game changing vision.

Next Blog

Authenticity, Scene 1 of 5

Look closely, these planes, at 30k feet, are heading in opposite directions…from Thursday’s flight home…

Dear readers, had a revelation as readership grows, that I really don’t know most of you, and most of you really don’t know me.

Roughly 20,000 times Mid Life Celebration’s blogs have been bookmarked. That’s cool and also a bit freakish at the same time. That’s a lot of “strangers”.

I want to have a great attitude about this so here’s a little more…

…Authenticity at Next Blog