Your big break

Disney business books
i love when the word Disney is used on books by authors who aren’t officially part of Disney.


Disney business books
Keep chipping away.


When will your “big break” arrive?

It’s taking forever, right?

Time to give up?

Truth be told, you’ve been getting your big break.

Your big break is every day.

As in today.


It’s up to you to keep chipping away at it.


Eventually, you’ll crack open your lucky break.

Insight: it won’t crack open if you stop chipping away.


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This website is about our MIND. To read posts about our BODY, click here.


The Disney Touch – mental

Disney management expert jeff noel
First, Walt Disney invented the trash can style in the photo. Second, he institutionalized the use of basic manners. Who fusses over the word ‘please’ on a trash can?


The Disney Touch.

It ain’t the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic.

Nothing changes if changes aren’t made.

How bad do you want it?

Simplicity is operational genius.

The basics: Attitude, thoughts, choices.


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This website is about our MIND. To read posts about our BODY, click here.


Are you satisfied?

Walt Disney's Main Street window
iPhone 7 Plus.


Walt Disney's Main Street window
iPhone 7


Both photos were taken from the same location. Both phones are the latest Apple releases (Sept 9, 2016…15 days ago).

The difference is remarkable.

It’s a much more expensive proposition to own both versus just one.

The iPhone 7 is always with me because it easily fits in my front pocket and hand.

The iPhone 7 Plus fits nicely in my back pocket and i use it as a laptop – exponentially easier to carry than even the smallest, lightest MacBook.

Because i have had the 6s and 6s Plus, i’ve discovered the iPhone Plus is superior in allowing me to write anywhere, anytime.

The MacBook 12 which is bigger yet smaller than the MacBook Air, requires me to carry it in my hand or in a backpack.

Being hands-free and backpack free feels lighter, leaner.

i like that.

A lot.


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This website is about our MIND. To read posts about our BODY, click here.


The Art of Disney Leadership

Disney leadership author jeff noel
The idea came a few evenings ago, day 6 i think.


The Art of Disney Leadership: World-class strategies and tactics learned from 30-years at Disney


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post on my BODY website, click here.


Back at Walt Disney World

Hurricane Hermine
4:23AM – Destined to become a hurricane?


Hurricane Hermine
9:24AM – On track to become a category 1 hurricane..


Hurricane Hermine
Flight path home from Glacier.


Hurricane Hermine
Kinda scary.


Hurricane Hermine


Back from Glacier after a five-hour delay and flew through Hurricane Hermine. The flight was incredibly smooth considering. Caught a second wind and unpacked before bed.

Late night arrival and running on half the normal sleep (only 4 hours), i find myself in a haze of slow moving and even slower thinking.

i don’t like it, but know it sometimes happens.

Reminded why i avoid it all costs.

For 15 years in Disney Resort Operations, it happened every week. The next 15 years at Disney Institute it happened much less often – maybe four (versus 50) times a year.

There’s the Disney pixie dust people outside the organization focus on, and then there’s the reality only a Cast Member can know.




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.