All we need to be gloriously ordinary are two things

Riding lawn mower near Disney
Yesterday, July 3. His second time on the mower. Another ordinary Friday morning.


Time has a way of tricking us into thinking the ordinary moments in life are to be rushed through so we can get to the good stuff.

The good stuff is the ordinary stuff.

And all we need is a present and grateful mindset.

But alas, we are too busy to focus.

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i refuse to live like this anymore

Amelia Erhart quote
Facebook screen shot yesterday.


Here we go, it’s another Monday morning and most of us barely, if at all, have ourselves centered before we rush out the door to begin another long day of rush, rush, rush.

What becomes the catalytic moment in our lives when our attitude tells us (to promise) to stop the rat race?

What is that moment that causes us to commit to changing everything?

And how long does this, “I refuse to live like this anymore” commitment last?

If it were as easy as Amelia Earhart says, we wouldn’t be thinking about this now.

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You are being unjust and denying it everyday

Martin Luther King, Jr in jail photo
Photo: From a random Facebook update.


You are being unjust and denying it everyday.

Much less pressing than civil rights, it’s an appalling personal injustice that matters now.

The gross negligence and personal disrespect we have for our overall wellness is epic.

And no one is fighting for it, because the people in power (you and i) must sacrifice to get it.

Who would bite the hand that feeds them pleasure, comfort, entertainment, ease?

Hardly anyone.

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