Our best alibi is a terrorist

Disney Leadership Speakers


(photo: Swarovski Santa. It’s cute. A great, compulsive buy. Who wouldn’t love it? This never ends until we suffocate on our lifetime of stuff.)

Time flies and we use this notion as an alibi.

Someday we’ll get it all together and live a really decent life.

But for now, we have to go. Only ten days until Christmas.

Our best alibi is a terrorist.

Don’t believe it?

Answer this: Are you satisfied?

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It’s probably nothing

College buddies reunited for a mountain cabin retreat


(photo: All but one couple have grownup, adult children… one couple is the poster example for late bloomer)

When will the racing stop? Our days fly by in a flurry of activity and checklists.

Never seems to be enough time.

If only we had more time.

Someday things will slow down. Right?

All we have is time, yet we use it like it’s an inexhaustible resource.

But it isn’t.

And no amount of ignoring this fact buys a single day more.

What would compel us to have a sense of urgency for living like we mean it?

Probably nothing.

Switch to the Body Blog

Today is just another ordinary day isn’t it?

inspirational quote about persistence


We miss people who leave earth too soon. We miss those who lived long and well too.

Today is just another ordinary day isn’t it?

Wake up. Race through the day attending to our busy lives.

And then scramble to organize a decent dinner together.

And so it goes.

Days turn into months and rather insidiously, years.

When is the right time to exit from the fast lane?

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Every single day we have more than we can handle

Orlando Based Keynote Speakers


The challenge with living like we mean it is there is so much to choose from. Then add to that the unexpected, but regular, challenges life throws our way.

Every single day we have more than we can handle. And what we can’t handle today gets added to tomorrow’s list of normal things plus a growing list of things we don’t have time for.

And we wonder why we are stressed out.

What do you do everyday because you’re passionate about it? And hate when you don’t get to do it?

So add to the daily ‘live-like-you-mean-it’ recipe the dissatisfaction that comes from not getting to embrace our passion.

The constant temptation to short change our dreams.


It all comes down to time doesn’t it?

And priorities.

And balance.


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