Everywhere we look and even where we don’t look

Hundreds of photos in the past 48 hours. A few from yesterday. Some Disney images will be easy to see, some will not, like in the second photo, an iconic letter.


Disneyland Hotel Hallway


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center Hidden Mickeys


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Spend 30 years as a Disney insider and there isn’t much you don’t know about Disney. And your appreciation for what it takes to create Magic is literally unrivaled.

And yet.

And yet your appreciation for what it takes never dulls nor fades. Like the past few days at every turn. In fact, what’s remarkable is that your appreciation becomes greater because you have a new lens.

The lens of a profitable (for the very first time in seven years) entrepreneur.

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A-List Orando based motivational speakers have more choices

Colorful welcome sign on parking lot chalk board


(photo: Whoever wrote this could have used the same color chalk for every word…but they didn’t… this is how simple art can be manifested)

Why would an Orlando based motivational speaker write five daily blogs instead of a single, focused daily blog?

The secret of getting on the shortlist is doing your best work fearlessly for a long time before you get on the list, and (especially) doing it even if you’re not on the list.  – Seth Godin

Because being a life balance expert requires specializing in five areas, not one.

It’s five times as much work.

Kinda like trying to attain balance.

Life is hard work no matter if we have balance or not. Balance has a ripple effect that makes everything less challenging.

This is why the work is worth it.

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Hat tip to the midlife zealot?

Jesus on the Cross inside Catholic Church
Thank goodness for the misfits, the outliers, and the crazy ones


Midlife zealot?

There’s a negative connotation and a positive one.

It’s up to us to decide.

And our choice frames everything else in our life – for the rest of our life.

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Speaking of speaking to people

jeff noel's Jack the Bear in a classroom
Sharing common sense, world class business insights


Speaking of speaking to people, this morning’s keynote is about brand loyalty. The six stages of brand loyalty are a common sense approach for evaluating your brand equity and understanding your strengths and analyzing were to grow your equity. We are all striving for one thing above all others.

An emotional connection.

Emotion trumps everything else when it comes to brand loyalty.

And there are many intentional things that can drive an emotional connection. But do we understand them and focus intently on connecting the dots?

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