Midlife Celebration is on Amazon and Kindle

Midlife Celebration is on Amazon and Kindle


(photo: Shipped 16 copies yesterday… a buy one, get three free website offer… a deal Amazon doesn’t offer.)

Midlife Celebration is on Amazon and Kindle and no one cares. Only authors know the reality – being published as one of the ten-million-plus books on Amazon means nothing – to anyone – except maybe your parents.

Marketing is the key to scaling the wall of popularity, of importance. Well, that and having a compelling message.

Anything more compelling than not being afraid of death?

PS. It takes a life long time to become an overnight success.

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Attitude scales

Orlando Based Inspirational speakers


(photo: A game changing book and message for the person who is ready to change their game)

Attitude scales. Attitude is what we think and do without thinking.

Habits. Deep, unalterable habits.

Positive thoughts or negative thoughts.

Our mind habitually leans to one side or the other.

This is the most important revelation to mid lifers because it proves that attitude is a habit.

Habits, like smoking, can be incredibly strong and hard to break.

Habits, like not swearing, can be incredibly strong and easy to break.

rethink • reprioritize • recommit

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Would you trust this guy to help you think deeper?

Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker


Would you trust a two-time Disney Lifetime Achievement Award recipient?

Would you trust a (just retired) 30-year Disney veteran?

How about someone who’s spoken to over one-million people globally during 15 years at Disney Institute?

Ready for a wake up call?

Who we’ve become, or who we haven’t become.

Either one can make us stuck. Even hopeless. There’s a book guaranteeing you’ll think deeper.

And that may be the catalyst you’ve been hoping for all your life.

Ten times your money back if it doesn’t do this.

It’s a new year. Take a small, $17 chance.

The guy that IS “Disney”, he wrote a game changing book… and it’s on Amazon and Kindle ($10)

Check it out for free.

It was cool because it was unexpected, and real

Orlando Based Motivational Speaker jeff noel's book


(photo: You think someone who has your book will never read it, when in reality they’ve read it multiple times)

A friend shared unsolicited book feedback yesterday.

Great seeing you as well. I always enjoy talking to you. I have read the book a couple of times. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have referred it to all my friends. You are a great example of how to live a positive and fulfilling life. Keep up the great work my friend!

Was curious why he read it more than once, and he said…

Because it was so inspiring and also such an easy read. Usually when you like a book, you have to devote time to rereading it at the expense of reading other books; however, this one was such an easy read that I didn’t feel that pressure. It was worth it.

It’s impossible to make this up.

It’s available on Kindle or paperback at Amazon.

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Mid Life Celebration book goes everywhere Orlando based motivational speaker jeff noel goes

Mid Life Celebration book at Denver airport


(photo: Mid Life Celebration book goes everywhere Orlando based motivational speaker jeff noel goes)

Life is a grand adventure full of boring, routine, mundane, repetitive things.

It’s our job to sift through the chaff.

The diamonds are in there.

It may take five, ten, even 15 years to find them.

And when we make it a habit, we find diamonds every single day.

But we use the seemingly endless time commitment as an overwhelming obstacle… and quit.

The time is gong to pass anyway, why not keep going?

This is one of many speaking topics motivational speakers use to help others transform their lives.

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