World record blog posts from one author

World record blog posts from one author
Stumbled upon this yesterday. i’m currently sitting on 18k+ published blog posts.
World record blog posts from one author
World record blog posts from one author, Darren Murph.
World record blog posts from one author
Some additional details.
World record blog posts from one author
Google shared a podcast with the blog post world record holder.
World record blog posts from one author
Will give it a listen as soon as time allows.

The world record for blog posts from one author belongs to Darren Murph.

Darren was hired to write, so his 10-12 daily posts was his job (career).

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First world privilege to write what i want

WPS Senior trip
WPS Senior trip

WPS Senior trip
WPS Senior trip

WPS Senior trip
WPS Senior trip

November 11, 2018.

Happy present moment.

Taking a risk.

Something is saying, “just do it”.

Like TV shows recorded before a live audience but aired later, i write 5 daily, differently-themed blog posts in real time and post them 2 months later…

The daily writing ideas include the things you probably think about every morning…

1. What i learned yesterday.

2. What i get to do today.

3. What i hope for tomorrow.

When i wrote the daily 5 posts on Sept 11, never could have predicted the timing of our Son landing in London 2 hours ago (Nov 11, the day i wrote these) and the messages in these posts.

Absolutely random.

On the five daisy-chained websites, there’s no way to leave comments, no way to share, and no email subscription option.

Not looking to create social proof, validate my self-image, or grow a business.

It began innocently as a 100-day self-imposed writer’s boot camp to prepare for writing my first book.

And it started on April Fools Day 2009.

Thought i was a fool to think i could write 500 posts in 100 consecutive days.

(my previous record was two consecutive days)

It was doomed to fail.

Enter a miracle.

After nearly 3,500 consecutive days, i still write to leave a trail for our Son.

3,500 days x 5 posts = 17k+

5 themes…

Mind • Body • Spirit • Money • HQ

Simple (yet elusive) recipe for balance.

With 17,000+ blog posts on the Internet, you know i’ve never tried to get any of you to read them – and if you are a prson who sees this one, here’s to hoping something positive stays with you.

Today is not an exception.

Not trying to get you to read.

Just thinking about serendipity…

Happy New Day.

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Never missed a day and today will not be the first

Minion and Disney Speaker


Never missed a day and today will not be the first.

It’s 10:30pm as i begin today’s five posts.

Left the house at 8:30am this morning to ride 14 miles to Universal Studios for an AV check.

Left Universal at 8:00pm and rode home, the last 40 minutes in the dark.

It was serendipitous that Magic Kingdom fireworks were concluding as i biked onto our driveway.

It’s tempting to simply go straight to bed.

But there is a streak on the line and it feels like it’s worth defending.


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Today is World Book Day 2018

jeff noel disney author
Officially announced Thanksgiving Day, 2014.


Email excerpt from yesterday…i read this in the Church parking lot (waiting for traffic to clear) before heading home…

It’s been a couple of years since we spoke. The last time we had a conversation I was working for Calvary Chapel in Fort Lauderdale and after purchasing your book, we worked out a time to speak by phone. Since then I have pursued life a bit differently….here’s a list of some of my favorite quotes from you:

It’s simply easier to do scary things than it is to think about doing scary things, even though it seems backward.
The emotional burden and drag on our attitude are insidiously heavy when we carry around unfulfilled and untried ideas.
Rather try and fail than play it safe.
Playing it safe leads to regrets.
Regrets that we discount and accumulate to the point of suffocation?

The biggest difference between those focused on thriving and those focused on surviving is the gap in their beliefs.
The gap between rising every day believing you owe the world your best or rising every day and believing it would be safer (better) to hold back.
We can’t fail if we don’t try.
To even think for a minute that there’s an ounce of validity in that last statement is, well, insidiously influential.

Do we spend too much time in Tomorrowland?
We make a lifetime habit of going after the easy stuff on our
to do lists.
We’ll get to the hard stuff, “Tomorrow”.
Our long-term dreams are so easy to postpone because
tomorrow always sounds promising.
You never get the chance to grow bigger than your dreams.
So why would we ever abandon our ridiculously impossible

These quotes have not only helped me but have helped countless others on their ‘journey’…and hopefully your book sales.

Ok, back to my voice…
It has not helped book sales. The book is still available on Amazon here.

PS. There’s nothing monetarily involved for me if you buy a copy. i’d literally need to sell 10k books to make what i make from one out-of-state keynote speech.

PSS. The reason to encourage you to buy this book is simple – it has the catalytic power to start the transformation you’re longing for.


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Short and pithy where art thou?

cold weather
Twenty-four hours ago, woke up to this. That’s not fair for April 10. If cold weather feels like punishment, move to a warmer place or zip it.


Short and pithy where art thou?

You either have a growth mindset or you don’t.

And if you don’t, you can.

And if you do, it’s not guaranteed for life.

Note: Growth mindset is an adult to adult interaction. Child to adult, or adult to child, is not.


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