Happy 57th birthday dude

Family history photos on wall
How many people live intentionally, which includes living with a deadline?


Happy 57th birthday dude. Ok, so it’s still 100 days away as i write this this morning. But when it posts, it’ll be the 57th anniversary of my birth.

Yes, i get that my approach is crazy.

i think we should all consider that the alternative – living like we have forever – is also crazy.

To each his or her own.

i committed to a ten-year plan seven years ago.

Nothing is going to have me back down from it now.

Give yourself the gift of courage to do the impossible.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


First birthday as a Disney retiree

Disney Guest Bus
Hometown transportation.


First birthday as a retiree. It was better than expected.


Because i didn’t expect anything.

It’s a funny paradox for how joy finds those who aren’t looking, simply because they are already joy-filled.

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In the blink of an eye?

Yesterday (Sunday) morning was quiet and peaceful until we heard the Mockingbird’s screeching. A rare sighting of a Swallow-Tailed Kite as it attempted to rob the Mockingbird’s nest of it’s contents.

The iPhone captured the photo as they flew overhead…almost looks like the Mockingbird is riding on it’s wing.

Nature is lovely and brutal in the same breath.


Swallow Tail Kite and Mockingbird confrontation
Swallow Tail Kite and Mockingbird confrontation yesterday.


Dear Son, reflecting on a Kentucky Derby party conversation only 36 hours old. With Bob, a Vietnam veteran. He’s on disability from Agent Orange. Just like our neighbor across the street.

Anyway, it started as an exceptionally casual, “How have you been? Please tell me your name again.”

It was a deep, dark, and sobering conversation in which i was mostly a listener.

It was a great reminder for what can happen to children who grow up to be adults. Hell can overrun a person’s life and rob them of hope.

When robbed of hope, drugs, alcohol, sex, crime, and other full-time evils overtake the person’s soul. Big time.

Hell is real.

The good news?

So is Heaven.

Expose children to both. Prepare them well. Really, really well.

Happy 15th birthday Chapin (been thinking about this for at least 100 days).

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Two of the most ordinary days are two of the most extraordinary

Earth and Moon from space


(photo: from iPhone camera, at The Houston Museum of Natural Science)

Editor’s note; This was written Sept 22.

What makes a writer choose category names? Say, the category ‘Life Transition (Dec 2014)‘.

December is a transition in life. Which leads us to…

Two of the most ordinary days on the calendar are two of the most extraordinary…

What do October 1 and December 5 have in common?

Two of Walt Disney’s birthdays.

Walt Disney World – October 1, 1971.

Walt Disney – December 5, 1901.

And in 10 days, October 1, a life changing announcement from Mid Life Celebration.

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Every morning jeff writes five different, short, and pithy posts about the challenging and wonderful balance between:

mind • body • spirit • work • home

All five websites are seamlessly connected by a convenient and easy to click link to go to the next topic.

Try it below if you never done it, or if it’s been awhile.

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The opportunity for unbelievable days is limitless

Main Street USA early morning


(photo: Is 7:30am the right time, on a Tuesday?)

When is the time right for an unbelievable day?

The opportunity for unbelievable days is limitless. What if we began the day praying, reading, thinking, writing. What if we acted as if we had actually made time for this?

Sharpening the saw as the saying goes. Could an ordinary day be given new life?

Instead of simply driving directly to the hotel parking lot and making a bee line for the classroom we did this…

We rethink the start of the day.

We drive first to the city shuttle, park there instead of the hotel and ride the shuttle to the north end of town. Then we could walk beneath the city and come up on the south end, down by Main Street. Take a brief stroll down Main Street before traffic gets busy, then cut over to the local Hotel to get to the classroom where we’d be a student for a week learning from one of the world’s most admired companies.

Simple pleasures taken for granted.


No, not really.

This is a common privilege, rarely taken.

But not yesterday.

And so it goes, one day and then another.

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