It’s Been Fun For jeff noel At Mid LIfe Celebration To Write About Being A Prolific Blogger, The Blog Whisperer

Looks like he's blowing dandelion seeds. In reality, he's trying to have fun and figure out how things work.

It’s been fun for jeff noel at Mid Life Celebration to write about being a prolific blogger, The Blog Whisperer. The part that scares noel is what’s quietly placed within his blogger’s words and style, an intense desire to provide thought-provoking insights, audacious claims, and impossible accomplishments – all designed to help others, even if it doesn’t seem so.

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jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, Is One Of The Internet’s Most Prolific Bloggers

jeff noel doesn't use a busy travel schedule to make excuses for not running. Go!

jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, is one of the Internet’s most prolific bloggers.

It’s true. But it was never his goal. Life has a funny habit of showing you the (amazing) path you can never see if you stand still. So…..go.

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jeff noel, The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger

Out of many, one

Dear Son, jeff noel writes to practice, to make mistakes, and to stay inspired to never quit. He doesn’t write to boast, and has come to grips that there are a fair number of people who won’t get this.

Focus on what you can do. If you focus on what you can’t do, that mindset will keep you from focusing on what you can do. Think about that and make sure today is another consecutive day you Go!

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Seriously, jeff noel Is Approaching His 5,000th Mid Life Celebration Blog Post?

Jack The Bear and the pursuit of excellence

Is jeff noel really closing in on the 5,000th Mid Life Celebration blog post? Yes. Somewhere near November 19.

PS. If you’re new here and asking “So what? Who cares?”, noel couldn’t agree with you more. Now, ask yourself the same two questions about where you’re currently heading.

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jeff noel Really Wasn’t Sorry Yesterday, He Was Ecstatic About The Painful Truth

jeff noel is one of the fastest humans over 50, and btw, 7 stories up is USATF (track & field) HQ

Dear fellow Baby Boomers and mid-lifers. You do realize that jeff noel is here to lead anyone who wants to follow a different path. Like those before us and those after us, humans have an instinctive desire to make a contribution to society – and to have fun in the process.

To teach is to learn twice. With jeff noel’s 5,000th post on the horizon, to call noel a midlife expert would not be a mistake. He knows that pain is a gift, and confusion is the gateway to learning.

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