What resonated with you yesterday?

crazy attitude
some things just don't seem to make sense, you know, they seem crazy

Flying home yesterday from Knoxville, I was struck by something I read from Copyblogger. This notion that we may need to decide if we’re willing to be called crazy. What type of attitude is required to actually imagine being called crazy, and what type of attitude is required to move forward anyway?

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Where are you going this morning?

Sitting in this very small airport, still waking up, has me thinking about where I’m going. This morning it’s easy to answer….heading home….to Disney World. But once I get home, then what?

And when tomorrow arrives, same question (metaphorically)…where am I going today? Ever think like this? And do you act on it everyday?


The two bottom flights (#3&4) are Saturday only.

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Jeff noel Wonders If These Authors Are Copying The Chicken Soup For The Soul Franchise Model

Modeling The Chicken Soup For The Soul Book Franchise?

Just yesterday noticed, even though my photo is 18 months old, the authors have started a franchise, “The Secrets of Happy…” What a brilliant idea. Much like Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield’s Chicken Soup For The Soul book franchise. Duly noted (again).

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How Many Ripples, How Far They Reach and How Long They Last Shouldn’t Stop Us From Trying

In yesterday’s Mid Life Celebration blog photo, my squinting was extreme. Finding this (above) 2010 photo explains why. The sun was low, but on the upswing. Kinda like our resolve to make midlife changes, and stay with our resolve to change.

Fail, yes. Quit, never. Fail,yes. Quit, never….

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