This Is The Only Fear Bigger Than The Fear Of Failure

There's always plenty of room in the success parking lot.

The only fear bigger than the fear of failure is the fear of success. The bigger the fear, the fewer the people who overcome it. I know (and so do you) exactly why people are afraid to pull into the “success” parking lot.

Insight: Habitual denying eventually causes us to totally disregard the truth. The truth is, we are born to be successful.

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Do You Fear What I Fear?

It's often very challenging to tell if someone is trustworthy.

The challenge when we fear people we can’t change nor make go away – say a neighbor, boss, relative – is our options are seriously reduced:

  • Neighbor: Sell and move away (or keep a pistol under your pillow)
  • Boss: Quit or transfer (or hope they get promoted out or retire)
  • Relative: Avoid (not in a mean way)

Or we can go with choice number four, codependency.

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