Living in two places is an extraordinarily different experience

Clock on the wall


(photo: From last night in our Church’s PREP Class office. Who has time to read five daily blogs about balance?)

Heading to Texas on a business trip in an hour and taking our son (14). Have promised to do this on a regular basis and but it has never happened.




But not too busy or too distracted to write five daily, differently-themed blog posts about life’s big choices.

And yes, even though this is being written on September 17, am fully aware that yesterday was Christmas day (when this goes live on Dec 26).

To live in two places (now and the future) is an extraordinarily different experience than just living in one.

Another experiment the final week in 2014…

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Every morning jeff writes five different, short, and pithy posts about the challenging and wonderful balance between:

mind • body • spirit • work • home

All five websites are seamlessly connected by a convenient and easy to click link to go to the next topic.

Try it below if you never done it, or if it’s been awhile.

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We should not think like this



Incredibly lofty doesn’t mean totally impossible.

The secret reality is that unless a goal has the magic to stir our soul – as in impossible – we will not dedicate ourselves to the effort required to conquer our impossible.

Live your life so that if anyone ever said anything bad about you, no one would believe it.

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Today is just another ordinary day isn’t it?

inspirational quote about persistence


We miss people who leave earth too soon. We miss those who lived long and well too.

Today is just another ordinary day isn’t it?

Wake up. Race through the day attending to our busy lives.

And then scramble to organize a decent dinner together.

And so it goes.

Days turn into months and rather insidiously, years.

When is the right time to exit from the fast lane?

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Is it careful what you wish for, or a dream come true?

Jet in sky


The car arrived at 4:00am to take the busy executive to the Orlando airport. Ten days in California on business.

Wondering if this is where she thought she’d be in life.

Wondering if it was the hope all along or was it simply serendipity?

Wondering how executives define themselves when they stop being in charge. You know, retire.

Wondering how any of us will define ourselves, after, you know, we retire.

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What is mental hunger?

Lake Lure Inn


(photo: Fancy dining room at Lake Lure Inn in North Carolina)

Mental hunger.

Is it the yearning for a better, more consistent attitude?

Is it the wish for less worry?

Yearning and wishing are natural.

So is hunger.

Is it selfish to feed ourselves first?

Isn’t it everyone’s wish to eliminate hunger from the world?

When the proverbial oxygen masks fall, put yours on first – for all the obvious reasons.

You have come far when you can not remember the last time you complained abut something.

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