Happy Birthday To Everyone, But Especially To Me, jeff noel

Just a kid at heart. You can relate.

The big 52. 🙂

Odds of someone brand new to Mid Life Celebration today with this silly photo as their first impression are slim. The rest of you, well, um, hope this ‘selfish’ post & photo made you smile.

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Your Effort Is Relative To How Clearly You Can See The Future

Boston Pizza in Nova Scotia. Interesting…

Was not able to take Jack The Bear this trip because of the extra equipment needed. But look what is staring at jeff noel in the adjacent booth.

As the multi-generational Family left, I asked Dad the Bear’s name. Rufus. His daughter is four. Same age our son was when he got Jack the (world-traveling) Bear.

Our son (10) may travel for a living some day. He may have a child he physically leaves behind, but never emotionally.

How do you other travelers out there stay emotionally connected?

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Lost…Chapter 1 of 5

(Today, all 5 blogs are used to tell a story. At the end of this post is a link to the next “story chapter”. To visit all five 20-second chapters, click the bold word Blog at the end)

Lost at sea for a few days and it all began on Friday as the sun set and the ship pulled away…

Should have trusted my gut that there would be trouble ahead….

And I was right, there was trouble…

Would we ever find enough time to…..

This story, Chapter 2, continues at the Next Blog