A non-Disney “Disney day”

Disney Speaker
McDonalds is open 24 hours a day.


Disney Speaker
Needed a wifi network that could handle a simple process – downloading photos to iCloud. Note the 4:46am at the top?


Disney Speaker
Starbucks was much closer (than McD’s) to Disney’s Grand Californian Resort.


Disney Speaker
The Disney Star Wars 10k began at 5:30am.


Disney Speaker
Arrived at Starbucks in the dark before 5am. Left at 7:15am (and daylight).


Writing five daily, differently-themed posts would be so much quicker and easier if it weren’t for my desire to add photos to help tell the story.

Photos are evidence that something happened the way it was written.

Without the photos, many writers default to, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

i literally despise that premise.

Being inside the storytelling (professional speaking) arena for 16+ years, i’m here to tell you it’s rampant. And i believe it’s criminal – the antithesis of building trust and offering hope.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


The juxtoposition is stunning

Mitchell's Sandcastles Breakers Cabin
Before sunrise yesterday getting ready for 8am departure for WDW.


From a cottage on Florida’s Sanibel Island to a cabin in Montana’s Glacier National Park, within 48 hours.

The juxtaposition is stunning.

From one beautiful place to another.

Same thing happens in life except it’s roughly 48 years between the juxtaposition of youth and middle age.

Stunningly beautiful?

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The value of yesterday

Orlando Based Disney Motivational Speaker
Yesterday from photographer Raul Colon.


The value of our yesterday is often below our conscious thought because we are generally very busy keeping up with the fast pace of life. Being busy becomes a deeply embedded habit and dramatically inhibits living consciously.

This is the main reason why i chose to continue writing five daily, differently-themed blogs after the 100-day challenge was officially completed.

Daily writing, or journaling, in solitude before the day gets busy, grounds us in a way nothing else comes close to. And now it’s been over 2,200 consecutive days.

PS. Yesterday was amazing.

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How often does a day like today happen?

iPhone screen shot of 2014 Hurricane Andrew near Florida


(photo: Sanibel Island is two hours south of Tampa, and claims to be the ‘shelling capital of the world’)

Do you have a favorite vacation destination? One that makes you forget about all the challenges, stress, and pressure of a busy life?

And how often do you get to visit this sacred place?

Heading there tomorrow.

Last year was the first Summer we skipped a Summer trip to Sanibel Island in 25 years (went to Glacier National Park instead).

It’s not often that a day like today happens in our lives.

Maybe once a year.

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