1 Big Secret You Need To Know

How's Your Progress Coming?
How's Your Progress Coming?

Look, you’re an adult (right?).

You know what the heck you need to do (right?).

You’re living the dream, right?

Good, positive mental stimulation. Great physical health. Your faith and hope are stronger than ever. You spend less than you earn (right?).

Your life is a glowing example for the people you care about.

If it’s not, click here, and get a grip.

PS. Thank you Lorie Sheffer for the assist.

Unaware Or Unwilling?

Examining A Disney World Parade
Examining A Disney World Parade

The unexamined life is not worth living.

Now why would anyone say such a thing?

Who said it?


What does it matter who said it, really?

Really? What matters is between you and your peace of mind.

Mid Life – a great opportunity to rethink, reprioritize and recommit.

But this will require some serious examination.

Ahhh,  so now I get it, the unexamined life is not worth living.