jeff noel Offers 4 Creative Tips For New Year’s Resolutions That Will Not Fail

Bonus tip: Don't set any resolutions around losing or gaining weight, it's too hard this time of year.

Baby Boomer, jeff noel, shares 4 helpful tips for making our New Year’s resolutions stick:

  1. Think small (an “easier” resolution is not cheating).
  2. Not every goal has to be monumental.
  3. Don’t tell anyone what you’re going to do (keep it your secret).
  4. Get back up when you fall down – no one will know you’ve fallen.

Nothing fuels success like success. Make your goal ridiculously simple. One year I decided to set all the clocks we owned (13, including microwave and cars) to the same time. As an added level of difficulty (over-achiever), I made it the real time.

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Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel Challenges All Baby Boomers To Think Differently In 2012

Each of us Baby Boomers could probably fill that sleigh with all our failed resolutions

Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel loves the end of the year and all the creative thinking that goes into prioritizing resolutions for the coming New Year. Baby Boomers, I’m not letting past failures (too many to count) defeat my will to try again. No, really. Let’s do it this year. Differently. Better.

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jeff noel Shares A Mid Life Celebration Christmas Tradition Different From Yesterdays

Delivering Food For Families On Christmas Day Is A 12-Year Midlife Celebration Tradition

Midlife Celebration has a 12-year Christmas tradition delivering Food For Families in West Orange County every Christmas morning. As a blessed-beyond-measure Baby Boomer, I wanted to start a Family tradition that put the focus on others first. The commercialization of material Christmas gifts lures me in the wrong direction.

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Mid Life Celebration Invites You To Share A Special Christmas Tradition

Milk & Cookies For Santa. Santa Always Leaves A Special Note For Our Son & Something For Our Dog

A Mid Life Celebration Christmas tradition my wife started was the basic milk and cookies left out for Santa. But what Cheryl has done to plus it up is share a special note from Santa to our Son, recapping Chapin’s past year. It’s a marvelous way to help him appreciate his past year’s milestones. Time marches on…

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