It’s Been Fun For jeff noel At Mid LIfe Celebration To Write About Being A Prolific Blogger, The Blog Whisperer

Looks like he's blowing dandelion seeds. In reality, he's trying to have fun and figure out how things work.

It’s been fun for jeff noel at Mid Life Celebration to write about being a prolific blogger, The Blog Whisperer. The part that scares noel is what’s quietly placed within his blogger’s words and style, an intense desire to provide thought-provoking insights, audacious claims, and impossible accomplishments – all designed to help others, even if it doesn’t seem so.

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jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, Is One Of The Internet’s Most Prolific Bloggers

jeff noel doesn't use a busy travel schedule to make excuses for not running. Go!

jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, is one of the Internet’s most prolific bloggers.

It’s true. But it was never his goal. Life has a funny habit of showing you the (amazing) path you can never see if you stand still. So…..go.

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jeff noel, The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger

Out of many, one

Dear Son, jeff noel writes to practice, to make mistakes, and to stay inspired to never quit. He doesn’t write to boast, and has come to grips that there are a fair number of people who won’t get this.

Focus on what you can do. If you focus on what you can’t do, that mindset will keep you from focusing on what you can do. Think about that and make sure today is another consecutive day you Go!

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I Love A Parade, By Lorie Sheffer, Guest Blogger

Photo: Lorie Sheffer

A few weeks ago I read one of Jeff’s posts about a young man with disabilities who was a member of a marching band. It reminded me of a story I read about in our local paper a number of years ago.

A young man of high school age had cerebral palsy. He wanted to be a member of his school’s marching band. This didn’t seem to be a problem, as he had someone who pushed his wheelchair in parades. Then the band began to include some intricate moves in order for a chance to win in field competition, and now this young man could possibly hold them back from their ultimate goal of collecting a trophy. They wanted him to sit on the sidelines and play from there.

A neighbor and I got into a discussion about this issue as it was being played out in the papers. She asked me, wouldn’t I be upset if my kids had worked really hard and were being held back from a possible trophy because of a person with a disability? I answered that I was pretty certain that my kids wouldn’t want to participate unless this young man could part of the group.

To this day, I don’t know who eventually won that trophy. I know that the band in question was not from the school district in which I live, but I cannot remember which district it was. I’m not even sure if the young man got to participate or not. Still, it leaves me with questions. At what point is winning not the most important thing? Are there greater lessons to be learned than perfect formations and hitting all the right notes? Is it better to be remembered for what we won, or how we treated our friends along the way? Should we reach out to those for whom life may not be so easy, or should we reach out for a chance at that brass ring, no matter whom we have to knock out of the way to get it?

Seriously, jeff noel Is Approaching His 5,000th Mid Life Celebration Blog Post?

Jack The Bear and the pursuit of excellence

Is jeff noel really closing in on the 5,000th Mid Life Celebration blog post? Yes. Somewhere near November 19.

PS. If you’re new here and asking “So what? Who cares?”, noel couldn’t agree with you more. Now, ask yourself the same two questions about where you’re currently heading.

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