Hat tip to the midlife zealot?

Jesus on the Cross inside Catholic Church
Thank goodness for the misfits, the outliers, and the crazy ones


Midlife zealot?

There’s a negative connotation and a positive one.

It’s up to us to decide.

And our choice frames everything else in our life – for the rest of our life.

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Dare to think unthinkable mental thoughts

cool Disney Cast Member exclusive t-shirt
When you work someplace for 30+ years, it defines who you are as a person in many ways.


Thinking differently can get us in trouble.

It’s not a way to fit in, generally speaking.

And folks who seem ridiculously happy are suspect.

Let ’em wonder.

Go. Be you. Think unthinkable, amazing thoughts.

Note: “Getting ourselves in trouble” either feels scary or exciting.

And getting in trouble doesn’t mean legally, it means pushing traditional boundaries.

Pushing and pulling for the good of society.

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What’s the biggest regret you feel comfortable sharing?

School parking lot chalk board
Regret waiting so long to start a Family. (Married 31 years with a 14-year old – do the math)


What’s the biggest regret you feel comfortable sharing? And if you are comfortable, please feel free to share why.

If there was a chance for a do-over, and knowing what you know now, what might have changed the outcome?

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Our attitude will decide which one we pick

Starbucks Dr Phillips Florida
Maybe someday there will be one near Disney University


Life is hard no matter if we bust our butts to succeed or if we surrender and take the slothful path.

Essentially it comes down to two choices:

  1. Victim
  2. Victor

Our attitude will decide which one we pick.


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