Attitude is everything, blah, blah, blah…

Uncle Grandpa title slide


(photo: Last night during the Cartoon Network premier revealing of the Aunt Grandma character… a big deal to a 14-year old)

Conversations are endless. And everywhere. Short ones. Long ones. Happy ones. Not-so-happy ones.

Dad: Son, it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you respond to what happens to you. Bad things happen to everyone, and for their entire life.

Son: Silent, but obviously his mind is working overtime.

Dad: We are in control of our attitude and we create the habits that either favor us or don’t.

Bottom line, another in a long list of deposits into the mind of a future adult.

Today’s mental thought continues with a physical thought for the day at the Next Blog

Guest blogger Lorie Sheffer: Think

Buddha statue covered in snow
Photo: courtesy of Lorie Sheffer


The challenge isn’t having the backs of those with whom we agree. The real challenge is stepping back and trying to apply our kindness, forgiveness and non-judging feelings to those we do NOT care for, or those with whom we disagree. When we feel angry or frustrated or upset, that is when the real test of our values begins.

I like to sit back and observe. It’s amazing, the things we can learn if we just watch and listen. I have noticed a strange phenomenon; there seems to be more than a few people who actively promote things like kindness and love and not being judgmental, but then in the next breath they will lash out at those who they don’t like. They don’t necessarily do this to people they actually know, but rather to celebrities, lawyers and doctors, ‘those people’ or especially politicians from the party they revile. The non-human segment of society, I suppose. While it could be a passive aggressive way of dealing with their friends with whom they disagree, I see it more as a lack of self-awareness; of a disconnect between what they are saying and who is listening to their words. Social media has really shown an incredibly bright light on this, for me anyway. “Share” posts promoting love and kindness and prayer for goodness, followed by attacks and accusations and name-calling, especially fascinate me. Recently, my jaw dropped to the floor when someone spoke about how they are “old school respectful” and then the very next day they went on an incredibly vile tirade, complete with false accusations and childish name-calling. This wasn’t an example of respectful disagreement; this was an example of rudeness to the extreme, complete with Hitler mustache. WWJD? Probably not that, I’m guessing.

I feel we can always learn from what initially upsets us, but to do so we must not take things personally. We must detach and observe and think. Most of all, we need to make sure we see our own behavior with the same clarity with which we are able to see others.

Next Blog

Attitude determines many things, including our priorities and courage

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus


Testing for January 10… but it’s only October 2. The next 100 days should be incredibly exciting… When Apple’s new iOS, Yosemite, debuts soon, the Cloud may allow the bottom image to size the same as the one above.

The photo above was added the normal way from a MacBook. The photo below was added from the iPhone 6 Plus.

Purchased the iPhone 6 Plus yesterday to test the limits of mobile devices. This is on top of the iPhone 6 purchased two weeks ago.

Our attitude and courage to push our entrepreneurial spirit is nurtured, directed, and course-corrected by the person in charge of our life.

The way to get started is to quit taking and start doing. -Walt Disney

The photo below is much larger than the one above. The experiment worked. The photos are the same size on the iPhone 6. (just checked it, Jan 10, 2015)




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It’s probably nothing

College buddies reunited for a mountain cabin retreat


(photo: All but one couple have grownup, adult children… one couple is the poster example for late bloomer)

When will the racing stop? Our days fly by in a flurry of activity and checklists.

Never seems to be enough time.

If only we had more time.

Someday things will slow down. Right?

All we have is time, yet we use it like it’s an inexhaustible resource.

But it isn’t.

And no amount of ignoring this fact buys a single day more.

What would compel us to have a sense of urgency for living like we mean it?

Probably nothing.

Switch to the Body Blog

If only we had spent more time at the office

Orlando Based Professional Speakers


(photo: Labor Day weekend 2014 at Gibmore, which isn’t far from Biltmore)

A mini epiphany is good for the soul. Had one yesterday. Epiphanies don’t come around much anymore, do they?

As toddlers, they happened almost daily. Our learning curve was massive back in the day.

But now? Now if we’re lucky as middle age grown ups, our learning curve looks like a straight line with just a tiny curve. The way a wooden board might look when slightly warped. Difficult to see any curve, but you can if you look closer.

The mini epiphany?

To let go of something that doesn’t matter. And it happened rather quickly after all this time holding on.

While the thing does matter, it is no longer up to this now comforted soul to worry about.

Still hopeful for those teammates remaining. They deserve goodness.

But have let go of the altruistic notion that it was a purpose important enough to die for.

No one looks back and says, ‘Wish I had spent more time at the office’.

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