MidLife Generation Jones?

Generation Jones, No Cover
Generation Jones, No Cover

Just when you think you know it all, you are offered some new piece of information that nearly embarrasses you.

That’s what happened a few days ago when a Mid Life Celebration blog post comment shared some background data and a link to Generation Jones.

Generation Jones is not a band at Ladies Night, Generation Jones is somewhere between Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers, like born between 1954 – 1965.

Click here to view, if you have any interest, or skepticism.

Not sure I’m buying it, even if it’s “two-for one” night.

Mid Life Rear View Mirror

Get A Grip & Be Prepared
Get A Grip & Be Prepared

Ever wonder how you’ll handle all of the challenges you face today?

And let’s suppose we actually do get a handle on our overwhelming challenges, then what?

What are the odds that we’ll be overwhelmed again soon?

Maybe I should go back to drinking everyday.  After a few drinks, we are medicated enough to stop worrying about today – it can wait until tomorrow.  That’s a nice relief – no more worry today.

But it mostly can’t wait.  If we do wait, more stuff is added to our “pile”.

Then we reach for our “midlife medication”.

Why we fail to look in the rear view mirror and see what is coming is beyond me.

Well, it used to be beyond me. Now, it’s staring me in the face. Every day.

It’s a ton of work, but at least I’m being honest with myself.

Talk about mid-life peace of mind.

Well, not talk. Do.

Mid Life Hoarder OCD?

Mental Stability, Mental Wellness
Mental Stability, Mental Wellness

Find a million ways to get and stay motivated, right?

The Internet offers limitless opportunities to get valuable information. One of the things I do is experiment with various email subscriptions to helpful mid life health topics.

Everyday Health is one of those that gives more than I can keep up with. However, I do scan every email they send and here’s one that resonates. It may also help you.

Click here to gain insight on mid life hoarding and the possible link to OCD.

Insights and knowledge help us move closer to having Peace at Mid Life, even if we are, or know people, who are Hoarder’s (with or without OCD).

Florida Real Estate @ Mid Life Celebration

Florida Real Estate
Florida Real Estate

As we all strive to stay alive in this brutal recession and down economy, it is the most creative and the hardest working that not only survive, but thrive.

How is it possible to thrive in a great depression?  Well, for starters, we’ve already mentioned it: be the most creative and hardest working in your industry.

Like this Central Florida Real Estate Agent.  She placed her business cards in the most creative and unusual place ever seen.  Shot a One-Take-You Tube video and posted it Super Bowl Sunday.

Yesterday, my Google Alert for Mid Life Celebration captured this viral spread of that You Tube video and the most amazing, simple, and creative Florida Real Estate Marketing you’ve seen in a long time.

Click here to check it out.  It’s brief (20 sec), powerful and it might just be the catalyst for your next successful, creative idea to market your business.

Men of a Certain Age

Super Hero?
Super Hero?

Men of a certain age is the target audience for Mid Life Celebration. Baby Boomer men, and Gen X men over 40 years old.

All are welcome, of course.  Yesterday’s Mid Life Celebration Guest Blogger, Lorie Sheffer, recommended “Men of a Certain Age” on TNT, tonight (Monday’s) at 10PM.

Click here to view Men of a Certain Age website. Viewing it will give you a quick idea whether or not you want to check it out.  I’ll have to record it because 9:30PM is “lights out”.

Took a quick look yesterday.  Really liked what I saw.

If you’ve seen it, and feel like it, share a quick comment about the show. Happy Monday.