It’s An Attitude Thing

What's Your Reality?
What's Your Reality?

And at midlife, we should be amply equipped to have a great attitude. But there’s a very real, and constant danger to get sucked in. Sucked in to the negativity that weakness and insecurity foster.


But there is another (obvious) option, thanks to Buckminster Fuller (and our own intuition):

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Sharing that now makes me wonder if you’ve never thought of yourself as athletic (active), maybe you’ve just been fighting an existing reality.

Repetition Is The Mother

Repetition is the Mother of all learning.

Repetition is the Mother of all learning.

Repetition is the Mother of all learning.

Never get bored with the basics.

1 Reason We Are What We Are

Short Term & Long Term Decisions
Short Term & Long Term Decisions

“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” – Annie Dillard

This, of course, is what leads us to a midlife crisis in the first place.

We chase crazy dreams and sacrifice many things to get them. Then we get them, and we realize the fulfillment we sought was not contained in our original plan. We are bankrupt in many ways.

In life, we get one, honest-to-goodness second chance to rethink, reprioritize and recommit – our midlife celebration!

By now we all realize that nothing worthwhile is easy.

Which is exactly why I need to, (get to), run this morning. When was the last time you exercised?


How was your Labor Day? Spent the day with Family at Disney World’s Epcot. Our timing was impeccable, never waiting more than 10 minutes for anything.

Well, I take that back. Our drive to Epcot was 10 minutes. It’s a perk living next door to Disney World.

Mid Life Celebration. Real life, in real time. Four more blogs to write and then time for a run.