Dear Son, It Was Never Part Of Our Plan To Wait Until We Were In Our 40’s To Become Parents

Remember Son, I'd have no teddy bear if it wasn't for you.

Dear Son, what we thought was an entitlement – parenting – wasn’t. It is for most, but for a select few, not gonna happen. At least not in the usual way. The very fact that you are here is an act of Faith on our part and an act of Love on God’s.

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Dear Son, You Are The Reason I Write, the Reason I Speak, And The Reason God Put Me Here

Traveling for a living. Creating Life's Ripple Effect everywhere we go.

Dear Son, children are the reason God made parents. Your Mother and I were chosen to be your parents. My job is to teach you through speaking, writing and living. In that process, God has also shown me that he would like my efforts to expand well beyond our home.

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